Ending Short Prison Sentences
Peter Cuthbertson, February 2019
Poverty and Crime: Why a new war on criminals would help the poor most
Peter Cuthbertson, July 2018
The growing number of prolific criminals and the increased concentration of crime: A case for more prison places
Peter Cuthbertson, January 2018
A guide to the sentencing data
Peter Cuthbertson, January 2018
Is there a racial disparity in the criminal justice system? A review of the Lammy Review
Peter Cuthbertson, December 2017
Who goes to prison? An overview of the prison population of England and Wales
Peter Cuthbertson, December 2017
Hate crime: the facts behind the headlines
October 2016

We Need to Check Your Thinking: How identity politics is warping police priorities from within
Dr Richard Norrie and Hardeep Singh, September 2022
Richard Norrie and Hardeep Singh examine the role of identity politics and how it is warping police priorities from within. The authors take a critical look at the police’s fundamental commitment to impartiality and their role in contentious matters of a political nature. This book looks at the dramatic increase in ‘non-crime hate incidents’ (NCHIs) over a five-year period through a series… [Full Details]
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Parents have their say on cannabis: Civitas polling on the use of cannabis and the views of parents
Frank Young and Shaun Bailey, July 2022
6 million new cannabis users if cannabis is legalised says new Civitas polling New polling shows a million young adults (age 18-24) would try cannabis for the first time if the UK legalised cannabis. More than 1.5 million parents of primary school children would take up cannabis if it were legalised. Seven in ten parents back police using stop and search tactics to… [Full Details]
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Is Identity Politics Undermining Police Impartiality?
David G. Green, December 2021
When we encounter the police, can we rely on them to apply the law impartially? To act without fear or favour has been seen as the essence of policing since the first modern police force was founded in 1829. In this study, David Green looks closely at the growing importance of police pressure groups based on the racial, religious or other identities of officers. Green… [Full Details]
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In response to the Home Affairs Select Committee’s report – The Macpherson Report: Twenty-two years on
Richard Norrie, August 2021
Following the Home Affairs select committee’s recent report, The Macpherson Report: Twenty-two years on and its inquiry into the impact of the 1999 Macpherson report, this recent response by the Director of the Statistics and Policy Research Programme at Civitas, Richard Norrie, finds the committee’s report ‘strikes a downbeat and pessimistic tone’. Richard Norrie’s response presents a critique of the report… [Full Details]
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Policing Hate: Have we abandoned freedom and equality?
Joanna Williams, December 2020
Attempts to criminalise speech that some consider to be hateful have a long history, dating back to blasphemy laws passed in the medieval period and which were not fully rescinded until earlier this century. The Race Relations Act (1965) prohibited ‘incitement to racial hatred’ and since this time, a myriad of new offences have been created, primarily through amendments to Public Order and Criminal Justice… [Full Details]
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How we think about disparity: and what we get wrong
Richard Norrie, December 2020
A government-appointed Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities has been set up to address disparity between ethnic or racial groups in outcomes relating to health, education, employment and other areas. This follows numerous reviews conducted by various governments since 2010. Drawing on the full array of existing reviews, this report by the Director of the Statistics and Policy Research Programme at Civitas, Richard Norrie… [Full Details]
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What price lockdown?
Tim Knox and Jim McConalogue, December 2020
As the UK government publishes its cost-benefit analysis of lockdown, Tim Knox and Jim McConalogue attempt to quantify the estimated costs that have been incurred in a new Working Paper, The cost of the cure. Their estimates can be used as a benchmark against which the government analysis can be measured. They find that the cost per year of life saved (QALY) ranges from… [Full Details]
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‘The New Syria?’: Critical perspectives on the deradicalisation and reintegration of Islamist offenders
Edited by Emma Webb, September 2020
Following the recent terror attacks on London Bridge and Streatham by Islamist terror offenders – who had been released from prison half-way through their sentences via the automatic release scheme – there has been increasing concern amongst many people in Britain that the prison system is not working in this crucial area. Police forces are reported to face a future jihadist threat in which more dangerous… [Full Details]
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Fallen through the cracks: Unregistered Islamic marriages in England and Wales, and the future of legislative reform
Emma Webb, August 2020
A significant number of Muslim women in the United Kingdom are in unregistered religious-only marriages, many of whom will be unaware that they lack legal protections and access to marital rights. In this report, Emma Webb examines how the asymmetric nature of those sometimes polygamous marriages and Islamic divorce – which allows a man to instantaneously divorce his wife but makes it much harder for… [Full Details]
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The Corrosive Impact of Transgender Ideology
Joanna Williams, June 2020
In less than two decades ‘transgender’ has gone from a term representing individuals and little used outside of specialist communities, to signifying a powerful political ideology driving significant social change. At the level of the individual, this shift has occurred through the separation of gender from sex, before reclaiming biology through an innate sense of ‘gender-identity’. In this report, Joanna Williams argues that this… [Full Details]
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We're Nearly All Victims Now!: How the politics of victimhood is undermining our liberal culture
David G. Green, September 2019
Identity politics has been creeping into public discourse for many years. When the first edition of this book was published in 2006, it was already obvious that the politics of victimhood had taken hold. This second, updated edition takes stock of how it has developed since then, particularly in the preoccupation with ‘hate crime’ in recent years. Hate crimes were initially created under the 1998… [Full Details]
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A Tangled Web: Why you can't believe crime statistics
Rodger Patrick, December 2014
Crime is going down – officially. The trouble is that most people don’t believe it: they feel that society is becoming more crime-ridden. So what could explain the discrepancy between the claims made by politicians and the everyday experience of citizens? In this hard-hitting exposé, Rodger Patrick, former Chief Inspector of West Midlands Police, shows how this has come about. He unpacks the… [Full Details]
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Checking Up: How the Coalition's plans to cut back on criminal records checks have been defeated
Josie Appleton, October 2014
Since 2002, more than 40 million criminal records checks have been carried out at a cost of nearly two billion pounds, yet there has never been any significant research showing the effectiveness of mass vetting in child protection terms. In June 2010, the Coalition government promised to 'scale back' criminal records checks to 'common-sense proportions', predicting that its reforms would lead to a halving… [Full Details]
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Mind Forg'd Manacles
Jon Gower Davies, August 2012
Institutional racism is an unfair allegation to level at British police forces and its universal acceptance by public officials has led to harmful policymaking, according to a new Civitas report. In Mind Forg'd Manacles, Jon Gower Davies outlines the history and influence of 'institutional racism' since the Macpherson inquiry, following the murder of Stephen Lawrence. He finds the evidence for institutional racism within British… [Full Details]
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Offender-Desistance Policing and the Sword of Damocles
Lawrence W. Sherman and Peter W. Neyroud, June 2012
As the criminal justice system faces unprecedented cuts in the wake of the financial crisis, many members of the public fear for their safety. Criminals will face fewer police on the streets and a prison system that will struggle to contain convicts. But is an increase in crime inevitable? In this report, world-renowned criminologist Lawrence W. Sherman and former Chief Constable Peter W. Neyroud… [Full Details]
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A New Inquisition: religious persecution in Britain today
Jon Davies, July 2010
Open societies in which we try to settle our differences without violence have been a great human achievement. However, because freedom of speech is the prevailing view in Britain, we are not as alert to the risk of its overthrow as we should be. In A New Inquisition, Jon Gower Davies, former Head of the Religious Studies Department at the University of Newcastle, examines the… [Full Details]
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Sharia Law or ‘One Law For All?’
June 2009
Sharia law is a distillation of rulings that purport to represent the divine diktat in all worldly affairs. It provides injunctions for the conduct of criminal, public and even international law. Marriage and divorce, the custody of children, alimony, sexual impropriety and much else come within its remit. Sharia courts are operating in Britain, handing down rulings that may be inappropriate to this country, being… [Full Details]
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The Public and the Police
Harriet Sergeant, June 2008
Expenditure on the police force is at record levels but there is widespread public dissatisfaction, while the police complain of being short of resources. They are not intended to be servants of the state, but of the communities they serve. Their powers are personal and derived from the crown, but this essential feature of British policing - policing by consent - is now in jeopardy… [Full Details]
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Simple Justice
Charles Murray, June 2005
For over half a century violent crime has been rising in this country while the penalties for it have been falling. These two trends throw current sentencing practices into the spotlight of public policy concern. Charles Murray argues that criminal offenders deserve penalties of which the degree of severity matches the seriousness of their crimes… [Full Details]
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Crime and Civil Society: Can We Become a More Law-Abiding People?
David Green, Emma Grove, Nadia Martin, February 2005
An 18-month study of the British Government's policies for crime reduction found that it has failed to learn even the simplest lessons from overseas experience. Crime and Civil Society found that the most basic measures necessary to encourage a law-abiding life on release are not being taken: particularly getting prisoners off drugs and providing basic and vocational skills… [Full Details]
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Cultures and Crimes: Policing in Four Nations
Norman Dennis and George Erdos, January 2005
There are few issues which raise more concern than the increase in crime and anti-social behaviour. In spite of attempts by criminologists to dismiss these concerns as "moral panic", and in spite of attempts by the government to massage the statistics, citizens feel increasingly threatened. Cultures and Crimes argues that this increase in crime is the result of profound cultural changes which occurred in… [Full Details]
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The Failure of Britain's Police
Norman Dennis, George Erdos, David Robinson, April 2003
In January 2003 the Home Office claimed that the chance of being a victim of crime "remains historically low". However, the staggering rise in the volume of crime, within living memory, has been so great that it is difficult to convey the enormous shift in the law-abidingness and "policeability" of the English… [Full Details]
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Civil Society and David Blunkett
Kenneth Minogue, July 2002
For hundreds of years civil society was "the arena of freedom", that network of free institutions made possible by the framework of law and order. As government grew, politicians took over many of the functions of those institutions. The state became the source of benefits, redistributing wealth and "crowding out" the institutions of civil society… [Full Details]
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Racist Murder and Pressure Group Politics
Norman Dennis, George Erdos and Ahmed Al-Shahi, September 2000
The Macpherson Report (1999) produced no evidence at all of racist policies in the Metropolitan Police. The report did not even produce evidence of any racist "bad apples" among the officers who were involved in the investigation into the murder of Stephen Lawrence. See also the accompanying Institutional Racism and the Police… [Full Details]
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Institutional Racism and the Police: Fact or Fiction?
David Green (Ed.), August 2000
The Macpherson Report (1999) was a watershed in British race relations and led to the adoption of policies by the Metropolitan Police and Home Office. Macpherson's claim that the Metropolitan Police were guilty of "institutional racism" provoked considerable controversy at the time of publication and continues to be strongly disputed… [Full Details]
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Zero Tolerance: Policing a Free Society
Norman Dennis (Ed.), January 1998
This book brings together police officers from both sides of the Atlantic to describe their efforts to deal effectively with rising crime. New York achieved a significant reduction in its crime rate following the introduction of "zero-tolerance" policing under the leadership of William Bratton, while at about the same time, a similar experiment was being conducted in Hartlepool under the leadership of Ray Mallon… [Full Details]
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Serious, Violent and Persistent Offenders: Second Edition
David G. Green, March 2014
Acquisitive Crime: Imprisonment, Detection and Social Factors
Siddhartha Bandyopadhyay, July 2012
Rehabilitating Drug Policy: What can we do better to reduce offending by drug addicts?
Nick Cowen, April 2012
Articles for the Media
Forget lists... just put police back on streets: Jonathan Foreman looks at the odd and disturbing aspects of the proposed new 'crime index'
Jonathan Foreman, Mail on Sunday, August 2016
VIP paedophile ring allegations: who investigates the investigators?
David Green, The Telegraph , October 2015
No, Mr Cameron, it's doing time that cuts crime
David Green in The Sunday Times, July 2013