About Us
Our Aims and Programmes
We strive to benefit public debate through independent research, reasoned argument, lucid explanation and open discussion. We stand apart from party politics and transitory intellectual fashions. We make our work available in books, pamphlets, online, and in electronic formats and encourage authors to make their arguments accessible to non-specialists. Some publications are designed for use in schools and universities.
Uniquely among think tanks, we play an active, practical part in rebuilding civil society by running schools on Saturdays and after-school hours so that children who are falling behind at school can achieve their full potential.
Primary Education For Children Falling Behind at School
Supplementary Schools
Many primary school pupils are not learning the basics. On Saturdays and after school hours during weekdays we provide lessons in English and maths for children who have fallen behind. We use a no-frills approach which concentrates on high-quality teaching along traditional lines to enable children to master essential skills quickly. We emphasise small class sizes, reading through synthetic phonics and mental arithmetic.
Civitas operates twelve supplementary schools in London. The schools provide additional English and maths lessons for over 300 primary-aged children each week. Our aim is to encourage disadvantaged children to be high-achievers, to reach their full academic potential and thereby to open up new opportunities. The children also benefit from a two-week summer school. The effect of the schools on the lives of the children is noticeable in the short-term, and in the long-term it is incalculable. As a result of attending the schools we hope and expect that the children will do better at school and find themselves with more options when they join the world of work. We hope they will become prosperous and responsible citizens.
The demand for what the schools are offering is very high and we have hundreds of children on our waiting lists.
Research – Improving the Stock of Public Knowledge
Facilitating Informed Public Debate
We facilitate informed public debate by providing accurate factual information on the social issues of the day, publishing informed comment and analysis, and bringing together leading protagonists in open discussion. Civitas never takes a corporate view on any of the issues tackled during the course of this work. Our current focus is on areas such as Constitution, Crime, Economy, Education, Europe, Family, Health, Housing, Immigration and Welfare & Equality.
We ensure that there is strong evidence for all our conclusions and present the evidence in a balanced and objective way. Our publications are usually refereed by independent commentators, who may be academics or experts in their field.

Jim McConalogue
Dr Jim McConalogue is the CEO of Civitas and author of The British Constitution Resettled: Parliamentary Sovereignty Before and After Brexit (Palgrave Macmillan 2019), Rebalancing the British Constitution: The future for human rights law (Civitas 2020) and Unravelling the Covid State: From parliamentary democracy to the regulatory state? (Civitas 2021).

Ellen Pasternack
Research and Communications Manager
Ellen joined Civitas in 2023 having recently completed a PhD in Zoology and worked as a freelance writer and researcher. Her writing on biology and culture can be found in The Critic, Spectator, New Statesman, and elsewhere.

Justine Brian
Director of Civitas Schools
Justine Brian joined Civitas in 2017 as Director of Civitas Schools.

Daniel Lilley
Senior Researcher
Daniel is a researcher at Civitas. He joined the team in September 2022 after graduating from Cambridge, where he read Economics.
Daniel leads Civitas’ work on independent schools, and has co-authored publications for Civitas including An analysis of the effects of tax and benefits on household income (2023) and Breaking the Care Ceiling (2023).
Carol Bristow
Office Manager
Carol Bristow joined Civitas in 2010 as Office Manager.
Visiting Fellows
David Conway
Professorial Research Fellow (Visiting)
Professor David Conway joined Civitas in 2004. Before joining Civitas he was Professor of Philosophy at the University of Middlesex. His publications include A Farewell to Marx; Classical Liberalism: The Unvanquished Ideal; Free-Market Feminism; The Rediscovery of Wisdom and In Defence of the Realm: The Place of Nations in Classical Liberalism; A Nation of Immigrants?, 2007; and Liberal Education and the National Curriculum, 2009.
Malcolm Davies
Director of the Civitas Criminal Justice Unit (Visiting)
Professor Malcolm Davies joined Civitas in November 2000 as part-time Director of the Criminal Justice Unit.
Professor Davies is also Director of the Criminal Justice Centre based in Ealing Law School at Thames Valley University. He has been a visiting scholar at the Centre for the Study of Law and Society at the University of California, Berkeley (1987/8 and 1990), and at the Law School at UC Davis (1987/8 and 1990); and, a visiting Lecturer on the International Criminal Law Programme in the Department of Criminal Law and Procedures, at the University of Helsinki (1994 and 1996).
Jon Gower Davies
Senior Research Fellow (Visiting)
Jon Davies joined Civitas as visiting senior research fellow in 2008.
Catherine Hakim
Professorial Research Fellow (Visiting)
Dr Catherine Hakim joined Civitas in 2013. Her personal website is here.
Rumy Hasan
Professorial Research Fellow (Visiting)
Rumy Hasan joined Civitas in August 2019. Since the 2005 London suicide bombings, his research has focused on the situation of Muslims in the west, concerns about segregation and social cohesion and the causes of radicalisation. His books include Multiculturalism: Some Inconvenient Truths, 2010, and Religion and Development in the Global South, 2017. He has worked with former EHRC chairman Trevor Phillips on integration and in 2015 became a member of the EU’s Radicalisation Awareness Network. He is a senior lecturer at the University of Sussex.
Robert Peal
Education Research Fellow (Visiting)
Robert joined Civitas in 2013, having spent two years on the Teach First programme teaching history in a secondary school in Birmingham.
Peter Saunders
Professorial Research Fellow (Visiting)
Professor Peter Saunders joined Civitas in 2010. His personal website is here.
Emma Webb
Associate Fellow
Formerly the Director of the Forum on Integration, Democracy and Extremism (FIDE) at Civitas and a research fellow at the Centre for Radicalisation and Terrorism at the Henry Jackson Society, Emma’s research has focused on how Islamist extremist groups in the UK and Europe establish or exploit organisations and institutions, the social dimensions of extremist networks, funding of extremism, counter-extremism policy and Prevent, and the extremism-free speech debate. She has written extensively on these subjects, has advised the public sector, been featured on national and international media, and has written for The Times, Daily Telegraph, Independent and the Spectator, among others. Emma has an MA in Theological and Religious Studies from Trinity College, University of Cambridge, and an MA from King’s College London (KCL).
Ben Cobley
Research Fellow
Ben Cobley joined Civitas in November 2019 as Research Fellow. He is the author of The Tribe: The Liberal-Left and the System of Diversity.
Official Objects
“To advance the study and understanding of religion and ethics in society and any other charitable purpose.”
Our main activity is the advancement of education, but some of our work involves the ‘advancement of citizenship or community development’ and its precursor purposes as discussed in the Charity Commission booklet The Promotion of Community Capacity Building (RR5). Some work also involves the advancement of human rights as defined by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
In 2022, total income was £605,215. Of this, donations amounted to £550,357. A further £13,198 was received from the sale of publications, £14,321 from fees and an additional £16,436 from interest and dividends.
Our policy is to encourage donations from a wide variety of sources so that we are not unduly reliant on any one donor. So that authors can write without fear or favour, our publications are not sponsored. Many companies and charitable foundations like to focus their charitable giving on a specific project, such as a Saturday school, and so we do allow organisations to sponsor our supplementary schools. Philanthropic support for the education of children who are falling behind at school does not involve a potential conflict of interest.
We publish the names of donors who, on request, are willing to be identified. However, we respect the privacy of donors when they have a legal right to make charitable donations without being publicly identified. While transparency is an important value, there are also good reasons why some foundations and individuals prefer not to be identified. This might include modesty, personal security, or a desire to avoid being aggressively targeted for donations by other organisations.
Saturday schools
Donations for Civitas Saturday schools came to £157,669 in 2022. Of this, £126,548 came from charitable foundations, and the remainder from individuals or companies.
Research, seminars, and publications
In 2022 a total of £392,688 was donated for our research, seminars, publications and related work. Charitable foundations gave £211,218 and companies and individuals donated £181,470.
Annual Accounts
Annual report and audited accounts for 2010
Annual report and audited accounts for 2011
Annual report and audited accounts for 2012
Annual report and audited accounts for 2013
Annual report and audited accounts for 2014
Annual report and audited accounts for 2015
Annual report and accounts for 2016
Annual report and accounts for 2017
Annual report and accounts for 2018
Annual report and accounts for 2019
Annual report and accounts for 2020
Annual report and accounts for 2021
Annual report and accounts for 2022
Annual report and accounts for 2023
- David Green (Chairman)
- Dr David Costain (Treasurer)
- Sir Alan Rudge
- Tom Harris
- The Honourable Justin Shaw
- Peter Lloyd
Founder and Trustee

Before founding Civitas in 2000, Dr David Green had been at the Institute of Economic Affairs since 1984, and Director of the IEA Health and Welfare Unit since 1986. He was a Labour councillor in Newcastle upon Tyne from 1976 until 1981, and from 1981 to 1983 was a Research Fellow at the Australian National University in Canberra.