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  • Boosting Britain's Food Exports: What are our prospects and what can we learn from Australia, the Netherlands, New Zealand, and Norway?

    The UK food export industry is in an enviable position. The potential for increased exports to the world is great. This is because attitudes are changing fast in parts of…

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  • Exploring Religious Pluralism in the Classroom: How to use religious education in schools to combat extremism

    Today, tolerance between people of different faiths is often encouraged under the heading of “British values”. This is arguably misguided, as it could be taken to imply that religious tolerance…

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  • Back to basics: what is childcare policy for?: Towards a childcare system based on choice

    Childcare is a larger political priority in the UK than it ever has been before, and the target of unprecedented, and growing, levels of public spending. Despite this, there is…

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  • Sovereign Wealth Funds: What’s the big idea ... and what could it mean for Britain?

    Sovereign wealth funds (SWFs) are often discussed as government-owned investment funds with their benefits returning to the government and citizens – and which invests its assets according to the interests…

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  • Independent schools: What does the public think?

    In this interim report by the Commission on the Future for Independent Schools (Civitas), researchers commissioned the polling agency Deltapoll to survey a sample of British adults to ask their…

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Boosting Britain's Food Exports
Exploring Religious Pluralism in the Classroom: How to use religious education in schools to combat extremism
Back to basics: what is childcare policy for?
Sovereign Wealth Funds
Independent schools: What does the public think?

Latest Publications

Boosting Britain's Food Exports

Boosting Britain's Food Exports: What are our prospects and what can we learn from Australia, the Netherlands, New Zealand…

The UK food export industry is in an enviable position. The potential for increased exports…

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Exploring Religious Pluralism in the Classroom: How to use religious education in schools to combat extremism

Exploring Religious Pluralism in the Classroom: How to use religious education in schools to combat extremism

Today, tolerance between people of different faiths is often encouraged under the heading of “British…

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Back to basics: what is childcare policy for?

Back to basics: what is childcare policy for?: Towards a childcare system based on choice

Childcare is a larger political priority in the UK than it ever has been before…

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Sovereign Wealth Funds

Sovereign Wealth Funds: What’s the big idea ... and what could it mean for Britain…

Sovereign wealth funds (SWFs) are often discussed as government-owned investment funds with their benefits…

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Independent schools: What does the public think?

Independent schools: What does the public think?

In this interim report by the Commission on the Future for Independent Schools (Civitas), researchers…

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Universal childcare

Universal childcare: Is it good for children…

All of the UK’s major political parties have recently declared their intentions to significantly…

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Educational Projects


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