Archive of Selected Feature Articles by David Green, 2001 – 2007
Health, Education and Welfare
The big lesson for 2008? We owe each other
(David Green in the Daily Telegraph, December 2007)
Embracing Education Vouchers
(Prospect, November 2007)
Spinning the official statistics
(The Daily Telegraph, 10 August 2007)
Labour’s politics of malice holds back children
(David Green in the Daily Telegraph, March 2007)
Marriage, tax reform and better schools: how to repair the social fabric
(David Green in the Sunday Telegraph, February 2007)
David Cameron has fallen into Labour’s trap
(David Green in the Sunday Telegraph, December 2006)
Europe has the answer to NHS woes
(David Green in the Daily Telegraph, October 2006)
Unchecked immigration is putting Britons out of work
(David Green in the Daily Telegraph, August 2006)
Allocating school places by lottery?
(David Green in The Times, Public Agenda, March 2006)
Choice in schools benefits the poor
(David Green in the Daily Telegraph, January 2006)
Daddy Cameron Knows What’s Best
(David Green in the Daily Telegraph, January 2006)
Labour Creates a Nation of Supplicants
(David Green in the Daily Telegraph, February 2005)
Labour Gets the Benefit
(David Green in The Times, December 2004)
Why Labour MPs Must Back Reform
(David Green in Observer Comment Extra, May 2003)
This is why it never pays to fall ill in Britain
(David Green in The Times, April 2002)
Public Ethos, Private Delivery
(David Green in the Observer Comment Extra, February 2002)
How does the rest of the world manage?
(David Green in The Sunday Times, December 2001)
Who is being dishonest about the NHS?
(David Green in the Observer Comment Extra, December 2001)
Stakeholder Health Insurance
(David Green in the BMJ, March 2001)
Private is Better than Public?
(David Green in the Guardian, July 2001)
Crime, Law and Society
Alcohol ban is no answer; proper policing is
(David Green in the Sunday Telegraph, August 2007)
Failed, for calling a sergeant ‘him’
(David Green in the Sunday Telegraph, July 2006)
A manifesto for radical law and order reform: how Britain can beat the menace of crime
(David Green in the Sunday Telegraph, June 2006)
Patriotism is back in intellectual fashion
(David Green in the Daily Telegraph, December 2005)
Locke’s Rules for Liberty
(David Green in The Times, October 2004)
Woolf is a Law Unto Himself
(David Green in The Times, March 2004)
Quick Announce an Initiative…
(David Green in The Times, July 2004)
Prison is a Bargain
(David Green in The Times, May 2004)
Prison works: lessons from America
(David Green in The Times, September 2003)
The Secret of a Good Night’s Kip
(David Green in The Times, January 2003)
Crime is Falling Because Prison Works
(David Green in Observer Comment Extra, July 2003)
The real reasons why the police are failing
(David Green in Observer Comment Extra, May 2003)