EU Facts For Schools Overview
Overview Sheets do exactly what they say on the tin! These sheets will provide you with a first glance at the European Union – its history, its framework, how it works and the arguments that are used when debating it. Read these before delving deeper as they will help make sense of the background and context of the individual factsheets!
EU Facts For Schools Overviews
Overview of the EU
History of the EU
Timeline of EU integration
Arguments for the EU
Arguments against the EU
UK political parties’ positions on the EU
Theories of European Integration
Balance of Competences Review
EU Framework
Lawmaking & Legislative Process
EU Treaties
EU Law
ECJ Case Law
European Institutions
EU Integration
EU Citizenship
Democracy in the EU
The European Citizens’ Initiative
Pressure Groups and Lobbying in the EU
What it does
EU Budget
Economics & Finance
Environment, Energy & Food
Social Europe
Justice & Home Affairs
External Relations