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Speculators, not as spectacular as governments

15 November 2010

With the turmoil that engulfed the global financial system in 2008, a few financial actors have, at one time or another, borne the brunt of the public’s anger. Bankers and hedge-fund managers have been widely criticised.  Speculators, however, have been the target of recent outrage.

Intellectual impropriety

11 November 2010

During Prime Minister David Cameron’s visit to China, big names in British industry have been publicising the achievements that they hope the trip will deliver. One such voice is that of Sir Anthony Bamford, the chairman of JCB who has called for stricter measures to be taken against ‘unscrupulous Far Eastern competitors’ that exploit Western… [Read More]

EU accounts not signed off… for the 16th consecutive year

10 November 2010

The Court of Auditors has refused to sign off the EU accounts for yet another year, making this the 16th year in a row that the EU accounts have failed to receive a clean bill of health, writes Natalie Hamill. This year’s report found discrepancies in 90% of last year’s EU budget, and yet the… [Read More]

An innovation or a waste of money?

9 November 2010

This makes me laugh… a foundation trust that is prepared to think outside the box.  An innovation: putting cancer patients up in hotels, rather than in hospitals: saving some £200 a night, dramatically improving patient experience, no doubt reducing the chance of catching some nasty infection and, from reports of consultants there (to me, admittedly)… [Read More]

‘People power’… perhaps not

8 November 2010

Today David Cameron promised to end the era of ‘bureaucratic accountability’ and usher in the era of ‘democratic accountability’. From an era with a bureaucracy held to account by the government for meeting targets to an era where the bureaucracy is held to account by ‘the people’ who monitor its progress in moving towards ‘milestones’.

Passing the buck

4 November 2010

The final outcome of the Browne Review should please no one. The universities themselves are going to face a far tougher time, tutors can no longer be assured of their value and woe betide anyone wanting to do a ‘socially useless’ humanities degree. This time, government really has gone too far.

Creeping (and creepy) CRB checks

3 November 2010

The Sunday Times (pay only), we learn via Peter Risdon, has a report about 6th formers having to apply for Criminal Record Bureau checks to attend college courses. Some have been refused on the basis of minor offences (such as shoplifting) committed when they were children. This is another illustration of what Frank Furedi and… [Read More]

Business as usual?

1 November 2010

Today the government outlined a number of measures to help small and medium sized businesses. Wanting to create an ‘entrepreneurial decade’ David Cameron has asked Lord Young to carry out a ‘brutally’ honest investigation into how small and medium sized businesses can be supported by removing burdensome regulations and opening up public procurement opportunities. Such… [Read More]

A better direction for NHS commissioning?

29 October 2010

Yesterday, Civitas, in conjunction with the Manchester Business School, published this report, looking at the relationship between the size and performance of commissioners in the NHS.   It found none, although both the domestic and international trend is  towards larger commissioners, covering larger populations: the direct opposite to what is likely to happen under the… [Read More]

When I hear the word culture, I reach for my wallet

28 October 2010

This has not been a good week for culture. A pincer movement has been occurring, with rumours that the state of Qatar is looking to buy Christie’s, and the decimation of the Arts Council. While of course unrelated, both have the potential to undermine Britain’s status as a cultural standard-bearer, the former through over-emphasising culture… [Read More]

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