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The value of a university education? It’s a question of degree

12 May 2011

Today the BBC reported on research, carried out by the Centre for Economics and Business Research, which indicated that more graduates were taking low-skilled jobs. If the research is correct, this could beg the question: will a £9,000-a-year degree be worth it?

Border-Free Market

11 May 2011

Having trawled through 70,000 pages of police intelligence, Europol has published a report examining serious organised crime within the EU. Although the paper is ostensibly a study of European law enforcement rather than an advisory document, its findings will inevitably have significant ramifications for member states’ immigration strategies, which policy makers would be unwise to… [Read More]

Too clever by half

9 May 2011

The current British Government has been characterised by many commentators as one of the most radical. Free schools, GP commissioning, payment-by-results public services, the ‘Big Society’, whatever your views on such policies it is hard to argue that they do not suggest a government committed to wholesale, rather than incremental change. There is much to… [Read More]

French Connection

4 May 2011

Details emerging about a Brussels-led plan have bewildered both EU supporters and sceptics alike. Not content with efforts to deconstruct member state borders, it now seems that the EU seeks to redraw these lines from scratch, in defiance of historic, linguistic, even geographical boundaries.

Yes? No? Does anyone care?

With the first UK-wide referendum since 1975 approaching, it could be worth asking: how many of the population have to vote to make the result a meaningful one? Perhaps more important than the vote itself are the issues which could be thrown up about the state of British democracy.

Shackled by Schengen – time for a policy rethink?

28 April 2011

The civil strife in North Africa is having a dramatic effect on one of the EU’s most ambitious, yet controversial, policies – the Schengen agreement. With unprecedented numbers of migrants arriving at its southern borders, the EU must revamp its Schengen policy or risk fuelling tensions between member states.

“Should I Stay or Should I Go”

26 April 2011

This weekend Chris Huhne voiced serious criticisms of the Chancellor and the Conservative party in light of the ‘No to AV’ campaign’s recent claims about the cost and benefit for radical parties of the AV electoral system. Perhaps most significant could be the fact that he ‘refused to rule out resigning as energy secretary over… [Read More]

Strasbourg Court flouting democratic self-government

21 April 2011

Following Parliament’s rejection of votes for prisoners, a new Civitas report calls for urgent reform of human rights legislation to keep European judges from deciding British law. Strasbourg in the Dock, by international lawyer and Conservative MP Dominic Raab, argues that judges have gone beyond their legitimate powers of interpretation in their now infamous Hirst… [Read More]

Arrested Development

20 April 2011

The European Commission has published its third report on the European Arrest Warrant (EAW), and has catalogued a series of failures. During the course of its research, the Commission received complaints about the EAW not only from dedicated NGOs and lawyers, but also from national legislatures and even the European Parliament itself. Yet, while the… [Read More]

Markets: still a pretty good idea

19 April 2011

The financial crisis and ensuing recession has produced a wealth of different economic predictions and advice. Some critics of free market capitalism have used the crisis to suggest that free markets are fatally flawed and need restraint. Other proponents of state involvement in the economy have, worryingly, talked up the benefits of the ‘Chinese model’… [Read More]

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