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The Blog

A bigger pie or a bigger slice?

6 June 2011

Today saw the release, and discussion, of a number of interesting barometers, all purporting to shed light on some of the maladies afflicting Britain. While the TUC published its study on the stagnation of wages for low and middle earners, the Centre for Policy Studies (CPS) released its analysis of Britain’s declining industrial competitiveness. Can… [Read More]

North Eastern industry to be decimated – and for what?

2 June 2011

The government’s green taxes will spell the end for Britain’s chemical industry, which employs 200,000 directly, an additional 400,000 indirectly, and accounts for 15% of UK exports. The sector, much of which is found in North East England, will be the victim of the race to cut emissions by 34% from 1990 levels by 2020:… [Read More]

Turbulent Flight Plan

1 June 2011

Justice Secretary Ken Clarke has defended a US-EU data retention agreement as “crucial” to improving international security. “Given the threats we face are global in nature,” he said in Brussels, “we cannot provide the protection we all wish to see without working with our non-EU partners”. However, far from being equal negotiators, the EU has… [Read More]

Taking the ‘I’ and ‘me’ out of investment

31 May 2011

Last Wednesday saw the Government release provisional business investment results for the first quarter of 2011. They indicate that, in general, investment is falling across the British economy with only manufacturing bucking this trend by increasing investment by 14.8% compared to a year ago. According to one commentator the results mark a record low. Yet… [Read More]

Lending Support

25 May 2011

Although 30 million Europeans fall victim to crime each year, at an annual cost of some €250 billion, support for victims in the EU has long been woefully inadequate. However, extensive reform proposals published by the European Commission last week take important strides towards towards establishing a basic minimum level of care for victims of… [Read More]

Homeward bound?

23 May 2011

Earlier this month the Boston Consulting Group reported that the United States could witness a ‘manufacturing renaissance’ with businesses returning to the country, as the wage gap between America and China shrinks. Can other developed economies expect a similar renaissance?

Court on Camera

20 May 2011

A true victory for justice was achieved this week, as the UK Supreme Court partnered with Sky to begin broadcasting its hearings online. A live stream is now available via the court’s website, giving all members of the public and press unprecedented access to the workings of our highest court.

Portugal’s pick me up

18 May 2011

After a tumultuous few weeks the Portuguese bailout has come one step closer to fruition, with Eurozone ministers having finally agreed the finer details of the three-year €78 billion loan intended to ‘safeguard financial stability in the euro area and the EU as a whole’.

Localism: don’t forget the democracy

16 May 2011

An important, and relatively uncontentious, area of coalition policy is its localism agenda. Seemingly supported across the political spectrum, is the idea that more decision making should be devolved to those who have a greater understanding of the challenges and issues facing localities – local governments not Whitehall. In a recent paper entitled: ‘The American… [Read More]

Letter of the Law

13 May 2011

Thousands of criminal suspects will be charged by post under a new Home Office scheme to cut police red tape. The announcement comes as part of a catalogue of initiatives designed to save 2.5 million hours of police time each year. However, whilst the need for bureaucratic reform is long overdue, plans to increase police… [Read More]

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