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The Blog

Boundaries in teen relationships

26 September 2011

The Coalition Government is seeking to address violent teenage relationships with a new advertising campaign. Meanwhile, new light has been shed on the prevalence of such violence. In light of this new information, are we responding to the problem satisfactorily, asks Therese Wallin.

How Can Anyone Afford a Pension?

22 September 2011

Preserving a minimum-wage income for fourteen further years after fifty continuous years of work requires 12 per cent of take home pay, or 22 per cent if saving does not start until after a twenty year “holiday” for raising a family. Most people have more sense than to spend £40 each week on lottery tickets, so it may be better to see retirement planning as taking from half to a whole day’s work out of every five-day week.


20 September 2011

By Tom Hall For a few dramatic days in August 2011 the twin pillars of law and order seemed on the verge of collapse as an epidemic of riots and vandalism spread across the United Kingdom. The question of how a small protest against apparent police brutality in Tottenham could spark upheaval as far afield… [Read More]

A bad day to release good news

19 September 2011

Today news emerged that Jaguar Land Rover plans to invest £335 million to build low-emission engines at a site near Wolverhampton. The proposed investment is expected to directly create approximately 750 jobs, with many more indirectly created in the supply chain and wider economy. Such news is welcome, but perhaps overshadowed by the economic gloom,… [Read More]

Ill-Advised Advice Opt Out

16 September 2011

Successive governments have been censured for ensnaring the UK in unwanted, unwarranted EU legislation. Given the vigour with which the country has repeatedly signed up to obligations of spurious merit, it is particularly disheartening to see the Government opt out of a Directive that has the potential to assist some of the country’s most vulnerable… [Read More]

A tricky balancing act or an impossible one?

12 September 2011

Today the Independent Commission on Banking (ICB) released its final report. Little has changed in terms of the recommendations of the Commission since the interim report, and as expected the result is a balancing act between a number of different goals. While bankers and their bashers may both criticize the result, it is clear that… [Read More]

Jiminy Cricket! The EU’s bizarre new research projects

9 September 2011

This week the EU has launched two new and rather unusual research projects; projects which, despite the EU’s seemingly good intentions behind their creation, are likely to be met by a storm of controversy. Whilst both projects are geared towards improving wellbeing – one aimed at animals and one targeting humans – the trivial focus… [Read More]

Full-Court Press

2 September 2011

Over past weeks, both David Cameron and Nick Clegg have written candidly about the “misrepresentation of human rights”, with the Deputy PM in particular bemoaning how those in power have “belittled the relevance of rights at home”. Their ambitions to “get a grip” on this distortion are essential and to be welcomed, as the media… [Read More]

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