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Quantitative easing and the democratic deficit

24 July 2013

It is a strange subject that brings together the Marxist academic Radhika Desei and the libertarian, Spectator editor Fraser Nelson together in agreement. Both authors criticise the policy of quantitative easing (QE) that central banks on both sides of the Atlantic, including the Bank of England, have pursued since the financial crisis. The policy involves… [Read More]

Kudos to the BBC for nuancing the healthcare debate

23 July 2013

The BBC often comes under fire for its supposed political bias. On the one hand, many on the right have always felt it has a “lefty bias”, while on the left, a bizarre conspiracy theory has recently taken hold that the BBC “betrayed” the NHS by failing to report on the Health and Social Care… [Read More]

Japanese government wrong to be critical of ‘Brexit’

22 July 2013

Over the weekend, the Japanese embassy in London made a contribution to the coalition’s ‘EU balance of competences review’. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has just won a secure mandate through gains in the Upper House for his party, the Liberal Democratic Party, and his coalition partners, New Komeito.

Screening out crimes in London

18 July 2013

The police need to bring more crimes into the easy-to-solve category as an alternative to screening-out or futile pursuit.

The giant firms of global capitalism

17 July 2013

‘China will not buy up the world’ writes Martin Wolf in the FT. Contrary to the common perception of China gobbling up Western companies; it in fact receives $324 billion more capital from foreigners than it invests abroad. Drawing on the work of Peter Nolan, Cambridge University Professor of Development, Wolf explains why this is… [Read More]

The ins and outs of organ donation

16 July 2013

Late last week it was announced that NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT), the body that deals with organ donations, is exploring barring relatives of registered organ donors from overriding donor’s wishes in the event of their deaths – currently, this happens in at least 13% of cases. This announcement of course comes on the heels… [Read More]

Europhile campaign adopts sceptic positions

15 July 2013

It’s all rather confusing. Two weeks ago, I wrote about the launch of a new Europhile campaign, ‘Our Biggest Market’. It was supported by the Europhile organisations ‘Business for New Europe’ and ‘British Influence’, whose memberships seem identical.  Supporters included Danny Alexander, Lord Mandelson and Vince Cable.

Portugal: When things fall apart

12 July 2013

Portugal’s two-party coalition government appears to be cracking under the strain of the austerity measures set out in the €78bn bailout package agreed in May 2011.The resignation of Portugal’s Finance Minister Vitor Gaspar early this month, shortly followed by the resignation of the Foreign Minister Paulo Portas, signalled the beginning of political meltdown for the… [Read More]

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