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The Blog

Compare the (medical) NHS comparison website announced

6 August 2013

It was reported yesterday that the NHS is to set up an internal price comparison website for procurement (“designed on the price comparison websites that the public use for things such as energy and insurance quotes”), which will keep track of what trusts are paying for everyday medical supplies and for services such as construction.… [Read More]

Did Home Office ‘Go home’ vans backfire?

5 August 2013

A Home Office initiative to seize control of migration seems to have backfired after being panned from all sides, derided as an Australian import and undermined by the Liberal Democrats.

Riots in France expose underlying tension

2 August 2013

Riots in France were sparked recently after an altercation over a routine identity check in Trappes led to the arrest of a 21-year-old convert to Islam. Iance Mikael was accused of trying to strangle a police officer in the scuffle that ensued when police asked his wife to remove her face-covering veil, which is banned… [Read More]

A healthy economy needs a dynamic manufacturing sector

31 July 2013

Previously, I blogged on the importance of manufacturing’s contribution to GDP. I argued that the small size of manufacturing’s GDP contribution relative to that of services is actually a sign of the sector’s strength. Why?

Are GPs right to support charging?

30 July 2013

A finding from Pulse magazine’s online poll of GPs has drawn national newspaper attention and provoked intense debate in the past few days. The poll found 51% of GPs supported charging a fee for GP visits, with 36% against. This represented a substantial increase from just last September, when only 34% supported the idea.

Ideological blindness to the facts on social mobility

26 July 2013

There is an ideological blindness on the left which seems to preclude them from acknowledging any biological basis to cognitive differences.  I discuss this in Social Mobility Myths and I experienced it yet again this week when I was a guest on Radio 4’s The Moral Maze.

The Balance of Competences Review – oddly imbalanced

The first four reports of the Balance of Competences Review, an audit designed to look at what the EU does and how it affects the UK, were published earlier this week. The review was launched by Foreign Secretary William Hague, in order to provide the British public, who are widely apathetic on most EU issues,… [Read More]

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