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Existing global capitalism is more Leninist than Hayekian

18 September 2013

When critics of industrial policy say the government can’t ‘pick winners’ they are echoing the arguments of the great free-market economist Frederich Hayek. In his seminal essay, ‘The Use of Knowledge in Society’, he argued that central planning does not work because governments do not have access to all the relevant information to make the… [Read More]

Professor Brian Jarman’s hospital mortality figures raise concerns

Professor Brian Jarman, the Imperial College statistician and former BMA president behind the Hospital Standardised Mortality Ratio (HSMR) figures that first raised the alarm about possible problems in Mid Staffordshire NHS Trust and at around a dozen other trusts, released new figures last week in an exclusive with Channel 4 News that show the UK… [Read More]

British banking bashes Brussels

16 September 2013

The City will be breathing not one but three collective sighs of relief this week. EU initiatives which would have harmed London far more than any other member states. The Financial Transaction Tax, short selling restrictions, bond sales rules and Libor regulation all seem to be going Britain’s way.

EU vs Russia: the fight for the ex-soviet states

13 September 2013

In the months leading up to the Vilnius Eastern Partnership Summit in November, where Georgia, Moldova, Armenia and the Ukraine are expected to sign association agreements with the EU, Russia has been ramping up the pressure on its neighbours in what seems like an attempt to deter them from forging closer ties with the EU.

The TSB spin-off alone won’t create a viable local banking system

11 September 2013

One of the key policy recommendations of the Wealth of Nations project here at Civitas has been to create a local-banking network based on the German Sparkassen model or the Swiss cantonal banks. So it was interesting to hear the Lloyds TSB chief executive, Antonio Horta-Osorio, announce to the media last weekend that TSB is… [Read More]

Lessons from abroad? Elections in Australia & Norway move health policy

10 September 2013

Over the weekend, Australia brought Tony Abbott and his conservative Liberal-National coalition to power after six years in the cold. Key issues in the election were the economy, the deficit, asylum and carbon taxation, but Medicare, Australia’s popular publicly-funded health system, was also debated. Further, following yesterday’s election in Norway, in which healthcare was a… [Read More]

A eurosceptic alternative for the centre-left from Ukip founder

9 September 2013

Professor Alan Sked, who founded the United Kingdom Independence Party in 1993, has symbolically rejected his creation. Like the proverbial Dr Frankenstein, he’s afraid that Ukip has become monstrous, describing it as ‘anti-intellectual, anti-immigrant’, ‘too racist’ and ‘too extreme’. Sked, an international history professor at the LSE, actually left Ukip in 1997 but this new… [Read More]

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