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The Blog

The empty, self-defeating and pointless sentencing of Pavlo Lapshyn

27 October 2013

A 25 year-old Lithuanian immigrant and self-confessed white supremacist was this week found guilty of the murder of an 82 year-old Muslim man, and of detonating three bombs near mosques in the West Midlands. The Crown Prosecutor wanted a Whole Life sentence, but the Judge resisted this and ordered that Pavlo Lapshyn spent the next… [Read More]

EU summit marred by spying accusations

25 October 2013

Today’s EU summit was intended to make serious progress. The Lampedusa tragedy, in which 359 migrants fleeing Africa for Italy drowned, galvanised member states to make a comprehensive borders policy. British interests, such as limiting ‘benefits tourism’ and cutting red tape, were on the agenda. Business Minister Michael Fallon has produced a list of regulations… [Read More]

Why the UK can’t build its own nuclear power stations

23 October 2013

The current state of Britain’s energy sector and the fact we cannot build our own nuclear power stations is another example of the government’s failure to make long term policy decisions. Despite knowing that many of the UK’s power stations were scheduled to close as early as 2020, the coalition government cancelled plans in 2010… [Read More]

Explosive Tory clashes over EU tactics

21 October 2013

Most of the public hadn’t heard of Adam Afriyie until this month’s Question Time appearance. A self-made millionaire raised by a single mother in South London, the Windsor MP is rumoured to have leadership ambitions and is tipped as the ‘Tory Obama’. He is championing an amendment to James Wharton’s Private Member’s Bill promising an… [Read More]

Ireland’s last austerity budget: the beginning of the end?

18 October 2013

It looks like Ireland will be the first eurozone country to exit its bailout programme after Prime Minister Enda Kenny announced this week that the country was at the end of its economic emergency.  The date set for the exit is December 15th, which is 3 years after the country requested a bailout from the… [Read More]

China: the UK’s other special relationship

16 October 2013

George Osborne and Boris Johnson have spent the week courting Chinese leaders to convince them that London, despite its flaws (or maybe because of them), remains the financial capital of the world and the only place for China to begin opening up to western markets. The deal being brokered includes a licence for the UK… [Read More]

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