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The Blog

Does the NHS need a minimum staffing ratio?

19 November 2013

The government’s long-awaited official response to February’s Francis Report recommendations is being published today, following on the from the government’s initial response in March. At the time, Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt’s main pledges were to bring about a ‘zero-harm’ culture in the NHS, to detect and tackle problems more quickly and to strengthen staff standards… [Read More]

Integration is the best policy for 2014’s Romanian and Bulgarian migrants

18 November 2013

On 1 January 2014, Romanian and Bulgarian citizens will gain all the same rights as French, German and Dutch ex-pats in the UK.  Some will come to Britain, although nobody is sure how many. The government are cagey about their estimates after spectacularly underestimating the number of ‘A8’ citizens wanting to come in 2004. MigrationWatchUK… [Read More]

Largest trade gap on record

14 November 2013

September’s trade gap was dire. The recovery would be a whole lot healthier if we could make the things ourselves that we are so happy to buy.

During UK export week: How Singapore became a net exporter

13 November 2013

Given that this is Export Week, it feels appropriate to re-examine the UK’s position as an exporter. Exporting – it may seem a little obvious to point out – is of paramount importance for UK business simply because there are billions more people to sell to across the world than in Britain. Britain, however, is… [Read More]

Threatened walk-in centres can relieve A&E pressure and foster competition

12 November 2013

In June, I wrote that the NHS competition regulator, Monitor, was to launch a formal investigation into the recent closures of NHS walk-in centres, which could be exacerbating the growing A&E crisis and compromising patient choice. Since then, speculation over further closures has continued. Monitor’s investigation, published this weekend, has noted that there was “some… [Read More]

The EU’s transatlantic chumocracy

11 November 2013

Round two of negotiations for TTIP, the transatlantic trade deal between the EU and America, kicks off this week. On Friday former Prime Minister John Major spoke of the ‘truly shocking’ state of Britain, in which ‘the upper echelons of power in 2013 are held overwhelmingly by the privately educated or the affluent‘. Nowhere is… [Read More]

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