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Cameron to seek help from EU fund for flood relief

14 February 2014

Prime Minister David Cameron has vowed that money will not be an object in attempting to deal with the disastrous flooding that has left most of south-western England under water. But could EU politics be a potential stumbling block? There has been much infighting, finger pointing, and even name calling by some MPs, in the… [Read More]

Swiss migration limit: gruyère or guillotine?

11 February 2014

50.3 per cent of Swiss voters, and a majority of the cantons, have voted in favour of new quotas on immigration. This includes EU immigration, so implies a serious shift in relations between landlocked Switzerland and all her neighbours.

Tough teachers, free schools and Berlin Walls

10 February 2014

Michael Gove seemed omnipresent last week, making speeches, giving interviews, riling coalition partners, and whipping the commentariat into a flurry of opinion pieces. Much of this was kicked off by his speech last Monday at the London Academy of Excellence (LAE) in East London. The LAE has been heralded as early evidence for the success… [Read More]

New Geert Wilders report claims Dutch ‘NExit’ could save over €500 billion

7 February 2014

Geert Wilders, leader of the Dutch ‘Party For Freedom’ (PVV), presented a new document yesterday, which he argued shows the Netherlands should leave the EU and the Euro currency. ‘We must become boss of our own money, our own budget, our own borders, and our own future again,’ he announced at the Hague.

The economic meaning of inactive

6 February 2014

Planning to attract people in retirement away from the south east offers a way to rebalance some prosperity between regions.

Income mobility is fair to middling

4 February 2014

Research by John Jerrim finds Britain’s level of inter-generational income mobility is nothing exceptional but looks deeper to find what areas are different.

Theresa May’s flip-flops on European anti-Semitic bans

Two prominent, divisive Europeans tried to visit Britain this year: Gábor Vona and Dieudonné M’bala M’bala. Both aroused outrage and protest. Both were considered by the Home Office. Only one visitor, arguably the more dangerous, was allowed entry. Vona, leader of ‘Jobbik Magyarországért Mozgalom’, came to London on 26 January, the day before Holocaust Memorial… [Read More]

Professor Dustmann replies to Civitas criticisms

Following criticism of his report’s use of statistics from Professor Mervyn Stone, David Green and me, Professor Christian Dustmann has published a reply on the website of UCL’s Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration. Some disagreement remains but it will not be constructive to repeat the points at issue in a cycle of mutual… [Read More]

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