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The Blog

European trade or EU-dependent trade: a crucial distinction

31 March 2014

The pro-EU pressure group British Influence has published research updating key economic indicators of the EU’s importance. They admit that the figures used until now – 3 million jobs and £3,300 per household – are outdated. Their new numbers, commissioned from the Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR), suggest that 4.175 million jobs (13.3%… [Read More]

Clegg vs Farage: some points of interest

27 March 2014

Last night saw the first of two ‘In vs Out’ EU debates between the leaders of the Liberal Democrats and the United Kingdom Independence Party. SO this blog isn’t an exercise in patting myself on the back, I’ll just say now; seven (and a half) of my predictions were right. Clegg said what Clegg would… [Read More]

Calibrating clocks and currencies

Resetting the clock or the exchange rate can recalibrate hours of daylight or purchasing power, only don’t be late with breakfast on Sunday.

Mr Clegg – economical with the truth

In the debate between Nigel Farage and Nick Clegg, Mr Clegg insisted that only 7% of laws and regulations stemmed from the EU and he insisted that a study by the House of Commons Library backed him up. If he was referring to this report, then his claim is incorrect. After carefully explaining all the… [Read More]

Euro-wide recovery is setting in for 2014

26 March 2014

President Hollande can finally breathe a sigh of relief this week after receiving some long-awaited good news. Markit yesterday posted its survey results for France’s first quarter showing a broad based private sector recovery across both services and manufacturing – bon. Their ‘Flash France Composite Output Index’, based on roughly 85 per cent of normal monthly… [Read More]

Devaluation is the key to long-term growth – John Mills

25 March 2014

Civitas today publishes the latest in a series of pamphlets by John Mills, a respected economist and the highly-successful entrepreneur behind shopping channel company JML. In it, he warns that the current return to growth is unlikely to last without a radical change of economic strategy, harnessing exchange rate policy to support domestic manufacturing and… [Read More]

EU-US trade deal threatens NHS and corrodes sovereignty

24 March 2014

Barack Obama is meeting European leaders at The Hague to discuss Ukraine, but the ‘Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership’ (TTIP) won’t be far from his mind. TTIP is intended to be the jewel in Obama’s legacy crown, a free-trade and regulation-harmony deal that for the world’s two largest markets in concert. David Cameron is also… [Read More]

Turkey bans Twitter

21 March 2014

Late on Thursday night, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan threatened to ban Twitter. 12 hours later, the site was blocked. Erdogan’s trouble with Twitter has been on-going; ever since the social media platform played a huge role in the anti-government protests of last year, the government has been finding new ways of curbing freedom… [Read More]

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