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Make it profitable for businesses to move out of London

30 July 2014

Looking to Germany as an economic model for the UK has its pitfalls. Policy is not as transferable between nations as is sometimes proffered by comparative reports, because businesses and people work within a culture – a culture cultivated over centuries. It is the reason there is so much resistance to making the UK economy… [Read More]

Will Hungary be expelled from the EU?

29 July 2014

I thought I would partake in the proud tradition of using as headlines ‘questions to which the answer is No’. At least, not yet. In amidst the horror of MH17, the sickening news from Gaza and Israel, and David Cameron’s ‘put Britain first’ immigration PR stunt, you would be forgiven for not knowing why Hungary… [Read More]

Is Russia pushing Ukraine to breaking point?

25 July 2014

Ukrainian prime minister Arseny Yatseniuk announced his resignation on Thursday after his governing coalition collapsed. This has left the beleaguered country in political gridlock in the midst of economic troubles and a pro-Russia insurgency in the east of the country. A pro-Europe party led by the mayor of Kiev and a far-right party quit the… [Read More]

Commonwealth investment summit points to EU alternatives

22 July 2014

It has been a gentle week to ease Philip Hammond into Britain’s top diplomatic job. He has only had to deal with the MH17 airplane crash in Eastern Ukraine, UN escalation with Russia, and the intensification of hostilities in Israel-Palestine. To add to his relaxation, Theresa May announced a public inquiry into the death of… [Read More]

What should ministers wear?

17 July 2014

This week two different groups of women ministers were offered more senior positions. David Cameron chose to shuffle out several secretaries of state, including Michael Gove and Owen Paterson, rather than allow the electorate to give their verdict in less than a year. Their replacements, Nicky Morgan and Liz Truss, had to suffer also the… [Read More]

The herd mentality: we tell each other not to vote

16 July 2014

Think Like a Freak is simply an amazing book. If you haven’t read it: read it. Their way of thinking is infectious. The book itself is a candid and sharp analysis of the way humans behave, not how we think we behave, with fascinating evidence to prove it on every page. (If you think it’s… [Read More]

Philip Hammond will be Tories’ axeman in the EU

15 July 2014

In the reshuffle dubbed the “cull of the middle-aged white men”, the most important new job, Foreign Secretary, went to a middle-aged white man who studied PPE at Oxford and is worth an estimated £7.5 million. This suggests potential fireworks in Brussels, since Philip Hammond is a known sceptic. Number 10’s aggressive line on Europe… [Read More]

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