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Downing Street could have stopped the £1.7bn EU surcharge

24 October 2014

Britain has been asked to pay an extra £1.7bn (€2.1bn) into the European Union’s budget because the economy has outperformed projections in the last four years. Greece and the Netherlands are also being asked to pay more, while large economies like Germany and France will see billions in rebates. This seems grossly unfair, as all… [Read More]

Barroso is too pessimistic on EU renegotiation

21 October 2014

The prime minster has rejected claims from the EU that Britain will not be able to get reforms concerning aspects of membership. David Cameron asserted that the British people were his ‘boss’, not Brussels. Cameron claims he ‘will not take no for an answer’ and has vowed to ‘get what Britain needs’ in renegotiating the… [Read More]

Lord Freud is being pilloried for raising an issue that warrants discussion

15 October 2014

Welfare Reform Minister, Lord Freud, agreed in answer to a question at a Conservative conference fringe meeting that some disabled people cannot do the same value work as more able people can. For this, he is being crucified. I would have thought Freud’s observation was true by definition (isn’t this what defines some people as… [Read More]

How to engineer a better-skilled Britain

The skills gap is becoming a consistent concern among businesses, especially for manufacturers desperate to make a global mark. Technology, and how enterprise uses it, is moving at a rate difficult for schools, universities and colleges to keep pace with. Adding to this, not enough Brits study STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and maths) to… [Read More]

Europe could halt UK growth

8 October 2014

In August, the great German machine posted a 4 per cent drop in manufacturing output, the steepest drop in production since 2009. It sparked worries that Germany will enter recession. Some have pointed to a shift in holiday timings from July to August to explain the dip, particularly the 25 per cent fall in auto… [Read More]

France’s Blairite prime minister holds the EU balance

7 October 2014

Without holding an election, France has what amounts to a new government. It retains President François Hollande, his popularity down to 13%, and Prime Minister Manuel Valls, both from the Socialist Party. Valls was only installed in March but has already survived a major crisis and now leads a cabinet that may bring lasting change… [Read More]

Where are the great British export brands?

1 October 2014

After the financial crisis revealed the weaknesses of an economy fuelled by service industries and importing goods, all three main parties pledged to make Britain a great exporting nation once again (like Germany). Since the Coalition entered office, there has been a small mark up in the amount of goods we send to overseas customers.… [Read More]

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