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Brexit would not harm UK trade and investment

7 November 2014

The Prime Minister will have even multiple fires to put out on the subject of the EU in the coming weeks, with the upcoming debate on the European Arrest Warrant, the distinct possibility of another UKIP victory in the much anticipated Rochester by-election, the investigation into the £1.7bn top-up payment demanded by the European Commission… [Read More]

Enriching ourselves at the expense of poorer countries

The authors of today’s report by the UCL Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration have failed to attend to the most telling criticism of their earlier work. They claim to be responding to criticism of their earlier report that also contended that recent migrants from the European Economic Area pay more in UK taxes… [Read More]

The cost of immigration

The UCL Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration has produced another report claiming that immigrants from the European Economic Area made a net contribution to the Treasury between 2001 and 2011. But, the shallow focus of the UCL report on whether immigrants pay more in taxes than they receive in benefits misses out some… [Read More]

Lord Warner’s reform proposals: the shadow of the £10 membership fee

4 November 2014

In follow up to his report co-authored with Jack O’Sullivan in March of this year, Lord Warner (previously Minister for Health Reform in Blair’s Government), recently spoke to Civitas’ Health Policy Consensus Group. Many will remember the report’s headline controversy following recommendations of a £10 per month NHS membership fee. However, before adding to the… [Read More]

Merkel’s bluff shows she knows EU exit wouldn’t be a disaster

The German Chancellor said that she’d be happier to see Britain leave the EU than renegotiate the fundamental freedom of movement. If Der Spiegel’s information is correct, Angela Merkel has pre-emptively vetoed renegotiation of immigration within the EU. She called such a change a ‘point of no return’. Without German support, David Cameron would achieve… [Read More]

An export-led recovery needs an export-led FCO

29 October 2014

Before the industrial revolution, the gap between richest and poorest economies was tiny compared to today – the richest being two or three times larger than the poorest. The industrial revolution and the rise of the developed economies changed the balance. Today the US economy is 50 times that of the poorer economies. The gap… [Read More]

Ukip will do well without having to do much at all

28 October 2014

Every day, the Prime Minister’s policy on the European Union becomes more baffling. In the latest debacle with the EU budget, Cameron claimed that he wasn’t aware of the increase in contributions; this turned out not to be true, with the government having known since May that any upward revision of Britain’s national income would… [Read More]

Theresa May should think again about the European Arrest Warrant

27 October 2014

Blackstone famously said in the 1760s: ‘the law holds that it is better that ten guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer’. Benjamin Franklin increased the number to 100. He thought it had been long and generally approved that ‘it is better 100 guilty persons should escape than that one innocent person should suffer’.… [Read More]

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