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The Blog

Paterson’s EU strategy – leave first, ask questions later

25 November 2014

Yesterday former environment secretary Owen Paterson told Business for Britain his EU views. On the premise that the Eurozone will inevitably require greater integration until it becomes one effective country, Paterson argues the status quo is not an option: we will either be strong-armed into the Euro, or ‘they will leave us’. Bearing this in… [Read More]

The Thornberry sacking – not just about social snobbery

21 November 2014

Emily Thornberry has been sacked as a Labour shadow minister because she was a snob, but it’s not just that she feels socially superior to ‘white van man’, she also feels morally superior. Moreover, it’s not just her. She embodies the mindset of the Westminster elite that has sparked the recent rebellion against the mainstream… [Read More]

Ukip’s win is a blow to Tories, Labour and Lib Dems

Ukip, as expected, have now gained their second MP in the Rochester and Strood by-election that took place yesterday. Former Tory MP Mark Reckless, who triggered the vote by defecting to Ukip, won the election by 2,920 votes; this wasn’t as high a margin as predicted, but it still managed to deal a massive blow… [Read More]

How does TTIP affect your health? A public warning

20 November 2014

The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is worrying. The opacity of its procedures and unequal representation in its pre-negotiation stages (520 meetings with business lobbyists as compared with only 26 with public interests groups) has led to concerns regarding possible weakened European product safety standards, reduced environmental protection laws, and job losses. Proponents emphasise… [Read More]

Credit unions can revive Cameron’s Big Society

19 November 2014

When David Cameron ran for election in 2010, the only positive message his campaign carried among austerity warnings was the pledge to bolster the third sector, the Big Society. That idea was ridiculed at the time, but constituted an optimistic narrative in what was a depressing election. The Big Society petered out soon after the… [Read More]

French ministers clash with Cameron over TTIP

18 November 2014

At the G20 meeting this weekend, David Cameron promised to reinvigorate European commitment to completing the Transatlantic Trade and investment Partnership (TTIP), a free trade deal with the USA. Specifically, Cameron pledged to put ‘rocket boosters’ on the deal. This blog, and many others, have voiced criticisms of TTIP, noting that it raises serious questions… [Read More]

Why we shouldn’t expect an EU referendum after the EAW shambles

14 November 2014

This week’s government shambles over the European Arrest Warrant, in which David Cameron denied MPs the vote he had previously promised, should make us even more wary of Cameron’s Europe policy and this promised referendum on our EU membership. The European Arrest Warrant, just like our relationship with Europe, has its advantages and disadvantages. It… [Read More]

The supermarket sandwich furore shows multinationals’ EU interests

11 November 2014

Yesterday it emerged that Greencore is to recruit 300 Hungarians to work in its Northampton sandwich factory. The company makes fresh lunches for M&S, Waitrose, Tesco and Sainsbury’s and is opening a £35m new facility in 2016. They advertised jobs in the UK first, but quickly turned to central Europeans for labour after it became… [Read More]

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