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Ukip cannot provide affordable housing with brownfield land alone

17 December 2014

Housing is one of the most important issues facing the voters when they go to the polls in May. As Ukip continues to maintain a steady 15% in polls, pressure is mounting to provide answers to issues outside Britain’s relationship with the EU. Last month, Nigel Farage came under scrutiny about the party’s NHS position,… [Read More]

What are Ukip’s plans for the 2.3m migrants already here?

16 December 2014

As well as restricting benefits access, yesterday Ed Miliband announced new plans for EU migrants already here, already in work. He wants to stop Europeans being exploited so their work doesn’t undermine British pay and conditions. David Cameron recently presented comparable plans, looking not just at limiting ‘pull factors’, but dealing with the stresses of… [Read More]

Drug-resistant infections vs a change-resistant public

11 December 2014

Today, the findings of a government commissioned report led by economist Jim O’Neill exploring the growing threat of drug resistant infections have been revealed. The results warn that drug resistant infections could cause 10 million global deaths annually by 2050, with a subsequent colossal impact on the world’s economy. On a societal level, it seems… [Read More]

Should we know who owns Britain?

10 December 2014

The lack of housing supply in the UK has been a problem since the late 1980s when local councils were prevented from building. Running up to the next election, all parties have pledged to find ways of increasing supply. During the conference season Labour promised to build an added 200,000 houses by 2020, the Liberal… [Read More]

Moldova moves closer to Europe

5 December 2014

Three pro-European parties look set to form a coalition after Moldova’s elections last Sunday. The Liberal Democrats, the Democrats and the Liberals took 44% of the vote altogether and aim to achieve EU candidate status by 2017. But voting was affected by the banning of a pro-Russian party shortly before Moldovans went to the polls.… [Read More]

The familiar hole in Cameron’s migration plans: money

2 December 2014

On Friday the Prime Minister presented his EU renegotiation goals in detail. He could never please everyone – rebellious backbenchers, wavering Ukip voters, pro-Europeans and continental leaders – but made a concerted effort to construct a reform plan fair and palatable to most parties. His major compromise was explicit support for the ‘free movement of… [Read More]

Juncker’s €315bn investment plan: a signature success or a flight of fantasy?

28 November 2014

EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker has unveiled a shiny new plan to stimulate Europe’s stagnant economy. Juncker’s €315bn (£249bn) plan is designed to attract private capital but so far it has attracted a lot of scepticism from various MEPs and economists. The €315bn figure certainly sounds impressive – but this figure is the dream; there… [Read More]

So called “mental health savings” are costing us money

27 November 2014

Ask a room of people to raise their hands if they have suffered from a bout of flu in the past year you are likely to see around a quarter raising their hands. Ask the same group how many have experienced a mental health episode in the same period and you are unlikely to witness… [Read More]

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