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Ending race discrimination law is a weak response to job competition

13 March 2015

This week Nigel Farage successfully whipped up another race row by saying that he would end much of the race discrimination law in the workplace, in an apparent attempt to defend the interest of British workers. But Farage is shockingly wide of the mark here, especially given the unsavoury views of some of his own former… [Read More]

Sugary drinks: pay as you go?

12 March 2015

On billboards we have recently observed plasticene figures sitting beside cups overflowing with sugar cubes to illustrate the amount of sugar we are consuming with every ‘fizzy’ drink. Campaigners for child health have today further proposed implementing a tax on sugary drinks in an effort to curb their consumption. They suggest this tax could be set… [Read More]

EU army is everything but a silver bullet

In an attempt to showcase the EU’s foreign policy ambitions, Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker made the case for the creation of an EU army in an interview published last Sunday in German newspaper Welt am Sonntag. According to Juncker, the European military force would demonstrate to Russia that the EU is serious about defending its… [Read More]

UK rejects EU proposal for Australia-style asylum controls

10 March 2015

The home affairs commissioner, Dimitris Avramopoulos (Greece), has proposed to use EU offices in non-EU countries like Niger, Egypt, Turkey or Lebanon, to consider applications for asylum and refugee status from outside the EU. This seems to draw inspiration from the Australian policy of detaining and processing ‘boat people’ on Christmas Island, Papua New Guinea,… [Read More]

The EU implications of Pegida’s Newcastle march

3 March 2015

On Saturday the German group Pegida (Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West) hosted its first event in the UK. It has already had small showings in Denmark, Norway, Switzerland and Sweden.

Merging and devolution in Manchester, to be feared or welcomed?

26 February 2015

Plans to give greater Manchester’s council control of £6 billion of their NHS budget were recently leaked prematurely by the Manchester Evening News and then broadcast nationally. Local politicians and Greater Manchester’s elected Mayor will have control of the region’s health care handed to them in a little over a year’s time. Existing separate budgets… [Read More]

Greece’s bailout deal: More of the same?

23 February 2015

Following a tense couple of weeks during which a Grexit became a more and more realistic scenario, a deal was finally reached on Friday between the Greek government and EU leaders. The agreement extends the Greek bailout for another four months, provided that Greek PM Alexis Tsipras’ coalition government of radical left Syriza and radical… [Read More]

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