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Fintech will breathe life into British banking

1 July 2015

British banking has escaped disruption or any real dose of creative destruction for an astonishingly long time. Even after the financial crisis, five banks continue to dominate the financial market comfortably. Their size allows them to make mistakes (e.g. miss-selling PPI) with little real market repercussions. Battered reputations and low customer satisfaction rarely impact business,… [Read More]

The EU-sceptic campaign must control its glee over Greece

30 June 2015

A minority of EU Outers are presenting views online and in the papers that could be read as gloating over Greece. Greece’s imminent default and likely exit from the single currency is an all-too-tempting chance to say ‘I told you so!’ The events that brought Greece to this position are held up, variously, as proof… [Read More]

The dissolution of Czechoslovakia shows Grexit need not be traumatic

23 June 2015

Following the demise of communist rule in the bloodless Velvet Revolution of 1989, tension within federal Czechoslovakia grew between Czechs and Slovaks. Both saw the rise of nationalist parties which came to a head when President Václav Havel stood for re-election unopposed, but was blocked by Slovak deputies in their chamber of parliament. The Slovak… [Read More]

The Rise Of Judicial Supremacism

20 June 2015

Justice Collins’ ruling that an electronic tag must be removed from a 39-year old Somali imam is another step in the direction of judicial supremacism at the expense of parliamentary democracy. DD, as the court called him, is believed to have helped the terrorist group al-Shabaab to recruit vulnerable young people. Justice Collins ruled that… [Read More]

The costs of Grexit are high for Greece, not just the Eurozone

19 June 2015

Another round of Greek bailout negotiations has been agreed for next Monday after talks broke down yesterday. Greece has less than two weeks to pay back an IMF loan of €1.6bn, or risk default. The troika of the IMF, the ECB and the European Commission, are unwilling to hand out more loans unless Greece agrees to… [Read More]

Britain is in danger of selling its tech future short

17 June 2015

London is widely regarded as the tech capital of Europe with very good reason. It has seen a phenomenal boom of activity over the past decade. According to Douglas McWilliam’s book, The Flat White Economy, which details the rise of tech start-ups alongside London’s advertising and media sectors, more than 32,000 new businesses have been… [Read More]

The City’s warnings may help the left’s exit cause

16 June 2015

Sunday saw another City announcement on Brexit’s danger for the financial services industry, the starkest warning so far. The Sunday Times reported that London’s biggest fund managers, which control trillions in assets and thousands of highly paid jobs, would be ‘forced to quit’ the capital if Britain left the EU. This followed interventions from Deutsche… [Read More]

Cameron’s case for EU reform should be built on truth, not confusion

12 June 2015

David Cameron met with opposition this week from EU leaders over his plans to restrict welfare benefits for EU immigrants in the UK. The prime minister had talks with Spanish, Finnish, Belgian, and Romanian leaders, who were unimpressed with his plans to cut benefits for their citizens in the UK. Figures consistently show that the… [Read More]

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