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Cuts to English education services for migrants are self defeating

12 August 2015

In July the government’s Skills Funding Agency announced the ‘Esol (English for speakers of other languages) Plus Mandation’ will be completely cut. Esol Plus was introduced to push jobseeker’s allowance claimants with poor spoken English to improve their skills. This comes after years of cuts to Esol since 2010 amounting to about 40%. The vast… [Read More]

Could the tube strike lead to better population health?

6 August 2015

Albania suffered under a harsh communist dictatorship from the end of the Second World War to the beginning of the 1990s. Personal freedom was limited during this period. Very few people were permitted to own cars and access to public transport was likewise limited. As a consequence, people were often forced to make their daily… [Read More]

No exit: misleading recruitment of nurses could mean hardship for those from lower income countries

31 July 2015

Recruitment bodies, working in Europe and supplying the NHS, have apparently been making enticing promises that cannot be kept for example, the offer of unrealistic wages, free or discounted accommodation and language training. These bodies often have the audacity to target medical training institutions in European countries which themselves experience shortages of nursing staff. It is… [Read More]

Using tax to the advantage of the regions

29 July 2015

Being competitive requires a comparative advantage. This is the logic behind devolving control of corporation tax to the Northern Ireland Executive. The prime minister announced the move last year with the expectation that Stormont would try to replicate Eire’s success by dropping the rate. The arrival of global giants like Google to Ireland’s shores has… [Read More]

Corbyn’s ambiguous EU stance could be his strength

28 July 2015

Ever since David Cameron promised an EU referendum in 2013 there has been pressure on Labour to do the same. At times Ed Balls seemed supportive but former leader Ed Miliband always rejected Cameron’s EU position, hoping that Ukip was only a problem for the right. Labour lost the election and did indeed lose many… [Read More]

EU freedom of movement offers flexibility for Greece

24 July 2015

Much of the debate surrounding the free movement of labour in the EU follows the theory that richer countries will face an influx of immigrants seeking higher wages. Ukip ran with this idea when they stoked fear among the British public about the mass arrival of 1 million Romanians and Bulgarians coming to the UK… [Read More]

The sharing economy is sometimes just a new label for old problems

22 July 2015

A piece in this week’s, Director, discusses the arrival of the sharing economy, a new epoch in capitalism, whereby consumers are happy to exchange ownership for ‘access ship’. An example: the arrival of Apple music, which expands Spotify’s model of paying monthly fees to stream any song on the site, which has the potential to… [Read More]

Is the government still ignoring the NHS finance problem?

21 July 2015

At Civitas’ lunchtime seminar yesterday, Sir David Nicholson, the previous chief executive of NHS England, offered a thoughtful response to those who claim that the NHS is in a state of constant financial crisis. Part of the reason, he believes, that the government is not addressing the current funding problems of our health system is… [Read More]

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