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No amount of ‘Youth in Action’ will make EU citizens

31 October 2006

Last Wednesday the European Parliament voted to extend the EU’s Youth in Action programme through 2007-13. This programme will eat up a budget of some €885 million, or €147.5m per year. It’s goal? “To encourage young people to work together to acquire new skills through non-formal education activities, for a common project, for the defence… [Read More]

Less housework, more gender equality

30 October 2006

Comparable to the Future Foundation’s report, ‘The Changing Face of Parenting’, which looked at parenting patterns, is a new American publication ‘Changing Rhythms of American Family Life’. The significant thing about the study (a collaborative work between the American Sociological Association and the Russell Sage Foundation reported in the New York Times) which explores how… [Read More]

Is It ‘Cos They’re White, Trev, that New Accession Immigrants Are Not Wanted?

27 October 2006

Those whom the gods would destroy, they first make EU members, especially if their former imperial links with third world countries have already resulted in their having previously undergone large-scale immigration from them. Why that should be so has been very well explained by Carl Mortished in a ‘European Briefing’ article that appeared in Wednesday’s… [Read More]

New Labour’s New Maths: How to Get Less from More

26 October 2006

In his last budget, Gordon Brown pledged to increase public expenditure so as to bring funding per child in state schools into line with the average costs per child in the independent sector. This move would involve increasing annual state spending per child from £5,000 to £8,000. According to the Institute for Fiscal Studies, to… [Read More]

The EU: 12 years of dodgy accounts

24 October 2006

The European Court of Auditors have, for the twelfth year running, refused to sign off EU accounts. The Court did, this time around, certify administration, development and some agricultural spending, but found errors elsewhere accounting for around two-thirds of the EU’s £70bn budget. Most significantly the Court found that the EU Commission still has inadequate… [Read More]

Flaws ad infinitum

23 October 2006

Criticism about the education system has been coming in hard and fast for much of New Labour’s time in power – particularly as Blair’s term comes to an end. However, over the last few days the curriculum has received a critical double-whammy. On Friday, new research confirmed what has already been confirmed by a plethora… [Read More]

The Times They Are A’ Chaining

20 October 2006

Incensed no arrests followed a demonstration that took place last year in London against the Danish cartoons of Mohammed, despite one demonstrator having worn a suicide-belt and others having displayed banners calling for the killing of those who insult their prophet, a 35 year old man from Aberporth draped over his garden-fence a sheet on… [Read More]

Alan Johnson’s Muddled Meddling: How Not to Increase Social Cohesion

19 October 2006

‘Young minds are free from prejudice and discrimination, so schools are in a unique position to prevent social division. Schools should cross ethnic and religious boundaries, and certainly not increase them, or exacerbate difficulties in sensitive areas.’ Thus argues Education Secretary Alan Johnson, reportedly, in favour of what is widely expected about to become a… [Read More]

Wake up call

18 October 2006

Yesterday’s Telegraph carried a frank and unequivocal comment article by the Labour MP and sometime Foreign Office minister Denis MacShane. MacShane says that while Britain’s politicians have been sedated by the opium of multiculturalism and political correctness, radical Islam has been spreading in our midst. He is damning of a leftwing that has aligned itself… [Read More]

The EU should deal in trade not aid

17 October 2006

An enlightening publication released today by the Centre for European Reform (CER) heavily criticises the EU’s flailing attempts through the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) to advance democracy in the Middle East and North Africa. The ENP, through MEDA (for Mediterranean neighbours), offers greater integration into the EU’s single market and financial assistance in return for,… [Read More]

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