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The War Against Drugs is Being Waged No Better Than that Against Terror

24 November 2006

Since, and because, the government down-graded Cannabis to a class C drug, its use among young people has substantially increased. So claimed Roger Davy, a West Yorkshire magistrate and national spokesman on youth courts, according to a a reort in today’s Times entitled ‘Cannabis is linked to rising child crime and harder drugs’. Britain is… [Read More]

In Praise of Thanksgiving

23 November 2006

Courtesy of the Simpsons, we Brits are now subject on the last night of every October to the annoying ritual of being disturbed by incessant door-bell ringing by small groups of young children dressed up as ghouls who are being conducted by one of their long-suffering mums on a charmless round of ‘trick or treating’.… [Read More]

‘Regulation without Frontiers…’

22 November 2006

One thing should be made clear from the outset about the Audiovisual Media Services Directive, which now looks set to be passed by the EP in December and enter into EU law. The directive does not seek to regulate ‘linear’ audiovisual content, such as video clips and animations in news and press websites, blogs, video… [Read More]

Diagnosing and Misdiagnosing the Causes of Islamist Terrorism

17 November 2006

Clearly, with every passing day, the Islamist terror threat grows ever more grave. It is also becoming ever more widely recognised, as increasing numbers awake up from their previous comforting dream that all such talk was merely ‘Islamophobia’ or else a guise by which the authorities here seek to justify grabbing ever more power to… [Read More]

Stop the Games! Why Londoners Shouldn’t be Afraid of being Called Spoil-Sports

16 November 2006

Were it not bad enough that those responsible for London’s successful bid to host the 2012 Olympic Games unknowingly chose to stage them during Ramadan, when Muslim competitors would be seriously disadvantaged, today’s Times reports their estimated costs have spiralled by so much as to have caused the early resignation of the man appointed to… [Read More]

When Simply To Do Nothing Is Not Good Enough

10 November 2006

I am struck by two adjacent news-in-brief reports in today’s Times. One is entitled ‘Islamophobic bullying fears’ and reports a rise in anecdotal evidence of bullying of Muslim schoolchildren in British schools. The other which is immediately below is entitled ‘Terrorism books’. It reports that a 22-year old woman from Southall named Samina Malik has… [Read More]

Bristol University Gives New Meaning to Having to Read for a Degree

9 November 2006

‘I thought I was paying to be educated by leading academics, not for a library membership and a reading list’. So complained one final-year history undergraduate at Bristol University, according to a story in today’s Times, upon learning that all he would receive by way of formal tuition this year for the £1,200 he had… [Read More]

EU FACTS: The importance of balanced education on the EU

7 November 2006

Education, and the educational materials used to teach, should be balanced. The 1996 Education Act states this, and most people would advocate this. At present the curriculum, concerning the EU, is fairly balanced – requiring, for example, that the structure of the EU be taught in citizenship lessons. Fine. Like it or lump it, the… [Read More]

What Did You Believe About the War in Iraq, Daddy?

3 November 2006

However well or ill things in Iraq might currently be going for the US and UK, the question remains as to whether or not Bush and Blair were justified in going to war against Saddam in 2003. They claimed Saddam posed a threat to the west and its allies because of his WMD programmes. It… [Read More]

How Does It Feel To be Without a Home?… Like a Railing Steyn

2 November 2006

No one today writes better than Mark Steyn about the challenge facing Europe from its declining birth-rate combind with the high fertility rates of its various Muslim minorities. An extract from his recent book America Alone is available on-line at the web-journal Macleans. Entitled ‘The future belongs to Islam’, it well worth reading. Those of… [Read More]

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