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Theresa May’s free movement reform would fail on three counts

1 September 2015

This weekend Home Secretary Theresa May wrote of her plans to address the issues of immigration, irregular immigration and asylum. The most notable part of her Sunday Times article was this: ‘When it was first enshrined, free movement meant the freedom to move to a job, not the freedom to cross borders to look for… [Read More]

Has Europe’s radical left failed to offer an economic alternative?

28 August 2015

The economic crisis in 2008 created fertile ground for the anti-establishment, anti-austerity message to flourish. But one of the most pertinent tests for this rhetoric of course, is how the economy performs, whether it grows and whether the electorate actually feels the effects of the growth. As we saw here in the UK a few… [Read More]

What was Jeremy Corbyn’s alternative to PFI initiatives?

27 August 2015

Yesterday, an opinion piece by Jeremy Corbyn appeared in the Guardian. It concerned the Private Finance Initiatives (PFIs) employed before, during and after the last Labour administration to circumvent limits set on public healthcare spending. PFIs worked by using the private sector to deliver public sector infrastructure, employing private capital but ultimately underwritten by the… [Read More]

Vaping: does it have the potential to renormalise smoking?

20 August 2015

It is exciting and unusual to hear the words ‘game changer’ applied by public health professionals to anything to do with smoking. However such words were used by Professor Ann McNeill of King’s College London in Public Health England’s latest report on the practice of vaping (the smoking of e-cigarettes). Now that the UK’s public… [Read More]

Abolishing National Insurance would be a tremendous gamble

By Robert Henderson George Osborne is thinking about abolishing National Insurance (NI)  as a separate tax and incorporating it into income tax. The implications of such a move would be very far reaching because the basic NI rules are complex, affecting far more than just NI deductions, and the practical IT difficulties it would create for both the… [Read More]

The EU-Canada deal shows the limitations of diplomatic clout

18 August 2015

The draft terms of the free trade agreement between the EU and Canada have been out for a year and are still being poured over by lawyers and translators from both sides. Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström was overoptimistic in her prediction that this stage would be done by July. Next the European Council and Parliament… [Read More]

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