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The Blog

Actions speak louder than words

6 March 2007

By Will Thavenot David Cameron is set to make a speech today outlining his vision for Europe, calling for Europe to focus on the ‘three-g’s’ – globalisation, global warming, and global poverty. He has also published a joint letter with the Czech Prime Minister, Mirek Topolanek, saying that Europe should be underpinned on three basic… [Read More]

The Brighton lottery

2 March 2007

Who is going to win this lottery? It looks as though the answer might be the private sector – and not social integration.

Poking the school choice myth with a stick

28 February 2007

The Telegraph reports today that over 200,000 pupils in the UK will miss out on their first choice of secondary school this year. Going by last year’s figures, the problem is concentrated particularly in inner-city areas. In 2006, 33% of Birmingham students failed to get their first choice place. In London, Wandsworth, Brent and Westminster… [Read More]

‘We don’t need no EUcation…’

27 February 2007

By Pete Quentin At the heart of the EU debate (as with almost everything else in politics) is the question of identity. Which groups, or communities do individuals believe themselves to be members of? What is it that allies them to these groups and separates them from others? A major factor in determining the answer… [Read More]

Mismanaging teacher retention

23 February 2007

School ‘improvement’ strategies which alienate teachers and thereby set schools back, have become a recurring theme under the New Labour government.

A different ‘new story’ for the EU

20 February 2007

One can easily agree with the premise of Timothy Garton Ash’s search for ‘the story Europe wants to tell’; namely that ‘Europe has lost the plot’. In an essay recently published in Prospect magazine Garton Ash states that ‘as we approach the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome…most Europeans have little idea where we’re… [Read More]

Classic challenge?

16 February 2007

‘Class war over classics’ is the Times Education Supplement’s front-page headline. Following the Government’s list of books in their Key Stage 3 reforms, the TES reports that staff are planning to simply disregard the diktat: ‘They said it was misjudged, politically motivated and “will not be taught”’. Whilst education secretary Alan Johnson describes the texts… [Read More]

Who do you think you are kidding Mr Solana?

14 February 2007

by Pete Quentin There has recently been a lot of (increasingly) confident talk amongst those who propose further integration of European defence. Javier Solana has been boasting of the EU’s military “successes” in Congo and Lebanon last year and talking up the “full operational capacity” of its new battle groups. Meanwhile the German presidency is… [Read More]

Genuine school choice seems so far away

13 February 2007

With half of the Europe project team conducting research on the continent, this week’s Tuesday blog entry will look sadly neglected. In the meantime, we can take a quick look to the US where a school choice revolution might be finally beginning in earnest after a few faltering starts. The sign of any real choices… [Read More]

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