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The Blog

Basescu vs. Tariceanu

23 April 2007

All is not well in Romania. The country is currently in political turmoil, with the parliament’s move to suspend President Traian Basescu last Thursday by a vote of 322 to 108, and the impasse looks set to continue. But more concerning for the EU is that it is symptomatic of the Romania’s inability to proceed… [Read More]

Education issues

20 April 2007

BBC News Online reports this week that ‘Penalty notices or on-the-spot fines for parents whose children play truant do not work’. According to a study by Kingston-upon-Thames LEA’s principal education welfare officer, Ming Zhang, the government’s truancy tackling strategies have failed. The main conclusion of Zhang’s report is that irresponsible parents, whom the current truanting… [Read More]

We’re Nearly All Infants Now

18 April 2007

The new Educational Conscription blog is chronicling the burgeoning opposition to government proposals to extend compulsory education up to the age of 18. The big shift in policy is not the increased availability of further education to young people, a long held and frequently frustrated government aspiration. Instead, it is the use of coercion, with… [Read More]

How egalitarian social policy has failed working class children

16 April 2007

Britain’s children are the unhappiest in the developed world says UNICEF in its recent report, An Overview of Child Well-being in Rich Countries. Britain came bottom not only in Subjective Well-being but also in Family and Peer Relationships and in Behaviours and Risks. United Nations research findings should generally be treated with some scepticism. Nevertheless… [Read More]

Social Trends

11 April 2007

The Office of National Statistics’ release of the latest Social Trends report has brought the issues facing Britain about which we are most concerned into sharp relief. David Green was interviewed on Radio 4’s Today program this morning on the consequences of increasing lone parents (listen again here). Robert Whelan was interviewed by the Daily… [Read More]

Cutting the tariffs?!

10 April 2007

On the very day I chose to slate the EU for inconsistencies between its ‘world leadership’ in distributing aid to developing countries, and policies such as the Common Agricultural Policy and excessive tariffs that quite frankly screw the very same countries over, what does the EU go and do? Propose to: “remove all remaining quota… [Read More]

The New Hearing Voices Network

4 April 2007

‘Smith!’ screamed the shrewish voice from the telescreen. ‘6079 Smith W.! Yes, you! Bend lower, please! You can do better than that. You’re not trying. Lower, please! That’s better, comrade. Now stand at ease, the whole squad, and watch me.’ A sudden hot sweat had broken out all over Winston’s body. His face remained completely… [Read More]

Development aid: A job for the Commission?

3 April 2007

A report published today by the OECD confirms the EU’s position as the biggest aid donor in the world. Combined, the EU-15 gave away €48 billion in overseas development aid (ODA), or 0.42 percent of their GDP, in 2006. This represents a massive 57% of world development aid. The report also highlights how there is… [Read More]

Who’s truanting?

30 March 2007

The Times Education Supplement’s [TES] front page headline, ‘One in four parents who home-educate children provides little or no teaching’ ties neatly in with the alarming news that our already very high secondary school truancy rate ‘is at least 18% higher than thought’ [BBC News]. The connection between home schooling and truancy lies in the… [Read More]

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