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The Blog

Blurred visions

6 July 2007

Today we hear from the BBC that a well-known and highly successful private girls’ school, Colston Girls’ School in Bristol, is taking steps to move into the state sector.

Another science teacher writes…

4 July 2007

As a comment response to Wellington Grey’s plea to AQA to save Physics as a body of knowledge rather than a series of opinions developed by a mass media consensus, Dr Debbie Barnett wrote: I am also a Science teacher, and although not a Physicist, I share your despair at the diluting of Science in… [Read More]

Messrs Husain and Butt Blow the Whistle on the Big Lie

3 July 2007

So far the country has been most fortunate not to have suffered any fatalities as a result of the latest wave of violent extremism to have descended upon it. We cannot yet know, however, whether all those involved in the violence have yet been rounded up. continued on the Centre for Social Cohesion blog.

What now for schools?

29 June 2007

As Blair prepared his goodbyes this week, we’ve been looking at his record in schools. Our verdict? Improved results denote a decline in standards. Have a look at the full report which examines the ways in which results have been boosted, here.

The Siddiqui Report: The Government Picks Another Winner!

26 June 2007

Being desperate to stop the radicalisation of British-born Muslims, the government turned for expert advice on how best they may be taught about Islam so that they would learn that only moderate versions of their religion were, if not authentic, then at least palatable. continued on the Centre for Social Cohesion blog.

18-week target looks unobtainable

22 June 2007

A new online briefing released today by Civitas looks in detail at statistics relating to government performance on waiting times, in particular those recently released on the 18-week referral to treatment target. It argues that a number of statistics hidden in the data suggest the NHS has a massive, and probably insurmountable, challenge to meet… [Read More]

Not quite far enough Mr Cameron

21 June 2007

There are aspects of the new Conservative White Paper on health to applaud, but they are, by and large, pretty much restricted to the supply-side. That advocated for commissioning is quite a different matter.

The Real Battle of Ideas

19 June 2007

“Unfortunately, the U.S.A., Britain, the alliance, our government… are driven… by the obsession to eliminate the Muslims from the surface of the earth. Whether my colleagues, companions and Muslim brothers die today or tonight, every drop of blood will invigorate the Muslim movement.” So reportedly said the leader of the “British brigade” in explanation of… [Read More]

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