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National Trust goes green

25 July 2007

The National Trust is to celebrate reaching a 3.5 million-membership landmark by changing its focus. No longer will it just look after the buildings and artefacts that constitute our national heritage. Now it will “advise people how to adapt their lifestyles to climate change and challenge government to be more ecologically aware.” How is it… [Read More]

The ‘Wisdom’ of Our Lords and Masters

24 July 2007

‘The noble Lord Hannay … will understand better than most the importance of a united position around the UN principles. Our policy has not changed. We expect Hamas to adhere to the principles set by the Quartet in January 2006. These are to renounce violence, recognise Israel and accept all previous agreements and obligations, as… [Read More]

The Philistines are upon us

23 July 2007

What is a Philistine? Strictly speaking, the Philistines were the Canaanite enemies of the Hebrews living along the southwestern coastline of present-day Gaza. However, its modern usage derives from the great Victorian cultural commentator Matthew Arnold who used the term to describe those who have no conception of the value of art, culture or spiritual… [Read More]

Our Island Story triumphant!

20 July 2007

Asked this morning on BBC Breakfast if there was one history book he would recommend, historian and Observer columnist Tristram Hunt answered “Our Island Story”. This of course is H.E Marshall’s enchanting children’s history book which Civitas brought back to life in 2005. Since this single mention, just hours ago, sales of Our Island Story… [Read More]

A new consensus: A levels ARE less valuable

When the Civitas report on Blair’s failure to improve education over the last decades was released, Jim Knight MP squared off against Robert Coe, whose work we have cited, on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme (approximately 12 minutes in from the beginning). To the whole nation, he denied that exams had got any easier during… [Read More]

Everything Now Lies Finely in the Balance

17 July 2007

Three closely connected unresolved issues hold the key to peace abroad today and with that a resolution of the tensions currently posing the gravest threat to social cohesion at home. continued on the Centre for Social Cohesion blog.

A primary concern

13 July 2007

It is a response utterly characteristic of New Labour: ‘deal’ with a problem – generally years late – by creating a completely new one. As we’d suspected, under Brown the direction of school reform is not going to change. For the last ten years, a critic’s template might well have been produced to pull out… [Read More]

Sir Ara’s grand design

12 July 2007

Just as you think some kind of consensus has emerged to let things be in the NHS for the moment, another bombshell comes along. ‘Localise where possible, centralise where necessary’, runs the catchy slogan to the latest reform package aimed at the NHS. The report, undertaken by Sir Ara Darzi, the new junior health minister,… [Read More]

Question 1: complete this cheque to pay the interest on your credit card

It will take some time to unpick the latest additions and subtractions of the National Curriculum. But the main theme this round seems to be lowering children’s horizons. More compulsory elements of the History Curriculum have been axed, reduced down to essentials like the Glorious Revolution in order to tie into the requirement for pupils… [Read More]

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