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The Blog

I’m ill. It’s 6.30pm – where do I go?!

9 August 2007

The BBC reported yesterday ‘that the number of serious complaints made against GPs over out-of-hours care has soared in recent years’. Complaints received by the Medical Defence Union (MDU) increased from 30 new cases in 2003 to 100 in 2006, and by the Medical Protection Society (MPS) from 120 in 2002, to 182 last year.… [Read More]

Standards of behaviour

3 August 2007

Cameron gave a much publicised – as well as much satirised by the newspapers’ cartoonists – speech on Tuesday. School discipline was the theme in, as the Times Education Supplement puts it, ‘a speech designed to appeal to traditional Tory values’. Appealing to Conservative values was something more than one commentator considered rather urgent, with… [Read More]

Talent Scouting in the Twenty First Century

1 August 2007

Passing a lesser-known London park this morning, it was pleasing to see a neat phalanx of young men raising the Union Jack – writes Peter Smith. Rather than joining their peers for a ‘night on the tiles’ to mark the end of school, these young men – teenage boys, if you will – are members… [Read More]

BBC Poll Results Belie Claim Britain Suffers from Rampant Islamophobia

31 July 2007

To mark next month’s sixtieth anniversary of the independence of India and Pakistan, earlier this month the BBC Asian Network commissioned a poll of 500 young British citizens of south Asian extraction, aged between 16 and 34. A control group was also polled about the same matters made up of 235 young whites of comparable… [Read More]

The root of cheating

27 July 2007

The call to scrap GCSE coursework takes on a new resonance in light of the most recent evidence. An investigation for BBC Radio Five Live, conducted by the Teacher Support Network, has shown that the pressures on schools to raise results has led to widespread cheating.

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