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Foreign Policy Fears: the ‘special relationship’ versus strength in numbers

10 September 2007

Throughout the half-century that Britain has been debating further integration into Europe, our association with America has proved a crucial point of debate. With the history of this ‘special relationship’ spanning back decades and indeed predating even the earliest roots of the EU, many commentators have been reluctant to see closeness between British Prime Ministers… [Read More]

Media Information: Read All About It

5 September 2007

Can ‘first and fast’ phonics solve educational inequality? Weak reading lies at the heart of the educational apartheid between the advantaged and disadvantaged, and England’s low social mobility. The inability to read properly is the single greatest handicap to progress both in school and adult life. As of this week, all children in primary schools… [Read More]

Seal Not of My Approval

4 September 2007

There is a bizarre story in today’s Times. Apparently, Education Secretary Ed Balls will announce today that all secondary schools must include compulsory lessons in ‘happiness, well-being and good manners’. They are being introduced reportedly on the basis of the apparent improvement in behaviour and academic performance of primary pupils who had received such lessons… [Read More]

The Potential for On-Campus Extremism Extends Beyond Universities

28 August 2007

While Britain’s university lecturers and Vice Chancellors obdurately continue to refuse to offer any form of assistance in the fight against on-campus violent extremism, a trial currently underway in a Glasgow courtroom suggests that the problem towards which Britain’s academics seem willing to turn a complacent blind eye could well extend much further than the… [Read More]

The right order for schools

24 August 2007

As of September, schools will have the power to apply for parenting orders. This means that head teachers will be able to ask the courts to impose a requirement on parents to attend guidance sessions where they receive help and support in dealing with their children.

The plight of the English patient

22 August 2007

The EUROCARE-4 study of cancer survival rates released yesterday by the Lancet Oncology journal does not make for comfortable reading for anyone in the UK, least of all the government. In a league of 22 European countries between 2000-02, England comes out 7th bottom, Northern Ireland 5th bottom and Scotland 3rd bottom in terms of… [Read More]

In Defence of a TV Documentary Explaining the Muslim View of Jesus

21 August 2007

‘How would the Muslim community respond if ITV made a programme challenging Muhammad as the last prophet?’ So, according to a report in Saturday’s Guardian, does Anglican canon Dr Patrick Sookhdeo protest against the decision by ITV to broadcast, on some as yet unnamed future Sunday, a one-hour documentary setting out the Muslim view of… [Read More]

The illusion of choice

17 August 2007

The DH sent out a press release today entitled ‘Statistical press notice: Patient choice survey and A&E statistics’. The content’s as bland as the headline; the section on the patient choice survey merely reads: ‘Report on the National Patient Choice Survey, March 2007 England and provisional headline results of the May 2007 Survey’. Yet these… [Read More]

What do they take them for?

16 August 2007

It’s not the efforts of A-level students in question, but the government’s efforts to educate them. A new report released today by Civitas argues that A-levels have become more about preparing the government for the next election than preparing students for their future; that knowledge and skills have been forfeited to make government policy add… [Read More]

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