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Why I Lack All Faith in and Hope for the Charity Commission

13 November 2007

Last Friday, the Charity Commission announced the creation of a new Faith and Social Cohesion Unit to lead its work with faith-based charities. In the first instance, it announced, the new unit will focus on Muslim charities and communities. Directing its work will be a newly created Project Board the members of which, we were… [Read More]

The Loudmouth Across the Channel

12 November 2007

There is one man across the English Channel who Gordon Brown must wish would shut up, writes Cem Suleyman. The man I’m talking about is Valery Giscard d’Estaing (VGE), former President of the French Fifth Republic (1974-81). VGE was President of the Convention on the Future of Europe, which drafted the original, and failed, EU… [Read More]

Not the right way to go about it

8 November 2007

Let’s get one thing straight. Hospital reconfiguration is necessary. There are too many district general hospitals (DGHs) in England. All the evidence suggests that acute care, such as A&E, cardiology, neurosurgery, liver transplantation, some cancer surgery and major vascular surgery, is more safely provided in larger hospitals where doctors have the right skills, experience and… [Read More]

Improvements, but still cause for concern

6 November 2007

A report released last Friday by Civitas, looking at trends in avoidable mortality, found real improvements had been made in England and Wales; avoidable mortality from cancer fell by 15.0% and from circulatory disease by 34.0% between 1999 and 2005. But while this compares quite favourably with improvements made in many European countries, real cause… [Read More]

I broke the law and I won!

5 November 2007

A largely unreported news item from Italy has perfectly highlighted the differing attitudes to EU legislation between the member states. The horrific rape and murder of a woman, allegedly committed by a Romanian immigrant, has shocked the Italian public and brought underlying tensions about immigration out into the open. The Italian government has responded to… [Read More]

NHS: the ultimate political football

1 November 2007

Rudi Giuliani has caused just a bit of a political storm this week for citing poor UK cancer survival rates in an attempt to rile Hilary Clinton’s ‘socialised’ healthcare proposals. So now we have hot-shots on both ‘sides’ of the US political debate bandying around the merits of the NHS, after the glowing reviews it… [Read More]

Don’t force children to play the Government’s war-games

31 October 2007

More powers, new targets, less tolerance for failure, a boost to several central government run schemes (Teach First and Teach Next), are the only discernible content of Brown’s latest speech on education. The tone of the speech makes it sound as if the government, having annexed and occupied the education system decades ago, still finds… [Read More]

They don’t like it up ’em!

I had my own Dads’ Army experience this weekend – strangely not when accompanying a Veterans’ Association on its battlefield tour of France, but outside the Palace of Westminster…

Foundation Trusts: the way forward

25 October 2007

This Monday, Robert Naylor, Chief Executive of UCLH NHS Foundation Trust, gave a seminar at Civitas, in which he put a powerful case for the continuation and deepening of the Foundation Trust ‘experiment’. He argued persuasively that not only has Foundation Trust status – with its associated financial and structural freedoms – provided for both… [Read More]

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