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The Blog

Elves and Safety (Bumper Xmas Edition)

21 December 2007

Brown’s belated signing of the Lisbon Treaty has been documented well enough and there’s not much I could add to the chorus of criticism that surrounds his doing so without granting what everyone wants for Christmas – a referendum. This despite earlier that very same day having declared to the House of Commons that ‘you… [Read More]

The Butterfly Effect

19 December 2007

Our recently published children’s reading and writing course, The Butterfly Book by Irina Tyk, has become a hit in the run up to Christmas. In the wake of one Daily Mail report, the office telephones have been positively buzzing with calls from parents (and grandparents) eager to offer the gift of literacy to young members… [Read More]

Patient choice falls again

13 December 2007

In March this year, 48% of patients recalled being offered a choice of hospital for their first outpatient appointment. Since then, in every survey the DH has conducted, this figure has fallen. In the latest survey – conducted in July – it stands at just 43%. This really is quite a feat – though not… [Read More]

More of Balls’ Games?

12 December 2007

Yesterday Ed Balls, the secretary of state for children, schools and families, unveiled the government’s plan to make Britain “the best place in the world for our children to grow up in” – writes Claire Daley and Nick Cowen.The so-called “Children’s plan” aims to tackle crucial education and social issues facing children today in the… [Read More]

PISA – Show’s over: international study exposes government standards charade

5 December 2007

Final straw for government’s education record: world’s most comprehensive assessment of pupil knowledge and skills crushes UK government claims of rising school standards. PISA results show declining standards between 2000 and 2006: 523 – 495 (28 point decline) from 2000 in reading amongst UK 15 yr olds: a decline from 23 points above the OECD… [Read More]

Actions Speak Louder than Words

4 December 2007

Slowly, slowly, I sense the beginnings of a great historic sea-change in public opinion at home and abroad concerning the wisdom of President Bush’s decision in 2003 to go to war in Iraq. Initially, his decision was greeted with very widespread condemnation both here and abroad, condemnation that grew louder as any suspected WMD failed… [Read More]

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