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Targeting the 18-week target

17 January 2008

Based on a recent report by Civitas, analysis of referral-to-treatment waiting time statistics show that while at the latest count, from October 2007, 59.9 per cent of patients received treatment within the targeted 18-weeks, many NHS Trusts still have a long way to go. Importantly, many of these are are in PCTs that have been… [Read More]

School Class War Declared

16 January 2008

There isn’t that much one can add to this Telegraph report other than to say that it was almost inevitable: independent schools are going to come under increasing regulation in order to ‘justify’ their charitable status. Obviously, merely providing a good standard of education to 500,000 British children just doesn’t cut it anymore as a… [Read More]

Social Cohesion, Religious Minorities and Faith Schools

15 January 2008

A society enjoys social cohesion when, between its members, there exist associative bonds sufficiently strong as to dispose them to be mutually civil and solicitous of each other’s welfare. Associative bonds between the members of any society will be strong in proportion as they share the same beliefs, values and tastes, or at least certain… [Read More]

Vacancy: EU President

14 January 2008

If fully ratified, the EU’s Lisbon Treaty will create a new role of permanent EU President. Tony Blair’s speech in Paris on 12th January has increased speculation that he aims to become the first full-time EU President, writes Claire Daley. The possible contenders are currently keeping their cards carefully concealed. However, players are beginning to… [Read More]

One big contradiction

10 January 2008

Reading John Carvel’s interview with Alan Johnson in Society Guardian this week, one could be forgiven for supporting this government on the NHS. He does seem, at least on the superficial level, to get it. It’s funny how every recent Secretary of State for Health has gone into the job with a very ‘nicey-nicey’ approach… [Read More]

Making parents an offer they can’t refuse!

9 January 2008

Via Samizdata, we learn that the government is getting into the broadband Internet business, intending to create a million new compulsory ‘customers’ for the big Internet Service Providers by ‘requiring parents to provide their children with high-speed internet access’. The government claims it has been putting ‘pressure’ on companies to lower their broadband costs. How… [Read More]

Bishop Gets Bashed After Entering No-Go Area Concerning the Truth

8 January 2008

The truth shall set ye free, the good book says, a venerable adage that strangely seems to admit of exception in the case of straight-talking Anglican bishops. This is especially true of those, like Bishop Nazir-Ali, with temerity enough to claim that Muslim no-go areas have lately grown up in Britain in consequence of large-scale… [Read More]

Parental Prohibition

4 January 2008

To tackle the increasing danger of ‘over-hydrated’ parents, those with children are being subjected to a harsh rationing of 2 drinks per visit. Perhaps Wetherspoon’s (famous for cut price alcohol and meal deals) is set to become a guiding light in the battle against binge-drinking, by advocating a sensible approach to responsible parenting? Wetherspoon’s have… [Read More]

Should auld acquaintance be forgot?

3 January 2008

New Year celebrations; Auld lang syne, people uniting, setting off fireworks… Slovenia takes on the EU Presidency for the first half of 2008 and New Year revelries look set to continue, with the diminutive state pledging to encourage supra-national unity to “strengthen the European perspective” and “promote dialogue between cultures, beliefs and traditions”, writes Claire… [Read More]

Happy New Scare!

2 January 2008

Daniel Hannan takes on the issue of the so-called ‘obesity epidemic’ while John Tierney predicts more spurious climate change alarm in 2008. As the new year emerges and the Government tries to shake off the failures of the last few months like a bad hangover, we must remember: when politicians trumpet new problems which only… [Read More]

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