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The Blog

Not exactly a cultural revolution

13 February 2008

School children are to be mandated 5 hours of ‘culture’ a week by the latest government initiative. This hour-per-school-day prescription seems to be the government’s answer to every education issue, as it defines more and more of every state school schedule through Whitehall guidance. This follows on from the five hours of mandated sport a… [Read More]

To Where our Well-Intentioned but Naïve Legislative Creep is Leading Us

12 February 2008

Forgive me for returning to the claim made last week by the Archbishop of Canterbury that it is now unavoidable in the interests of social cohesion that certain elements of sharia become recognised by or incorporated within British law. Despite having been gone over so well by now, his remarks raise such an important issue… [Read More]

‘Very good value for money’ not good enough for the DH

7 February 2008

When the DH slashed the second wave of independent sector treatment centres (ISTCs) last year, it reasoned ‘they were unlikely to provide acceptable value for money’. This was based on capacity assessments by the new Director General of the Commercial Directorate, Chan Wheeler. But now it appears a separate, independent, review concluded exactly the opposite.… [Read More]

Criminals use the database state too

6 February 2008

A terrorised pensioner died of a heart attack during an attack on his home in a dispute over a parking space at a supermarket. What makes this story especially worrying is that a policeman (and friend of the defendants) traced the 79-year-old by his car registration number, using the police national computer database. There is… [Read More]

The MP, the Terror Suspect and the Prison Bug

5 February 2008

Should MPs’ be exempt from police bugging when conversing with terrorist suspects being held in detention and awaiting extradition? Forget, for a moment, whether any laws or protocols were broken when police recorded the conversations between Labour MP for Tooting Sadiq Khan and his childhood friend and constituent the Islamist terror-suspect Babar Ahmed. What laws… [Read More]

Scrutiny and Irony

29 January 2008

Europe Minister Jim Murphy recently gave “a guarantee that parliament can scrutinise the Lisbon Treaty” (mainly because he knows however much its members scrutinise the document they cannot amend even a single word of it and victory is assured by whip).

Rue Britannia

Not content with having flogged off Britain’s gold reserves at rock bottom prices, and signed up Britain to what is a European constitution in all but name – something his predecessor vowed would not happen without a referendum, it now turns out that Gordon Brown personally authorised abolishing the image of Britannia on the country’s… [Read More]

Let’s do it Swiss-style

24 January 2008

The Swiss health care system – while certainly not cheap at €4,270 per head – receives international acclaim for achieving both universal coverage and a very high quality of care for all, without the constrained resources that tend to characterise government-controlled systems such as the NHS. Waiting times for treatment are short or non-existent and… [Read More]

Let Battle Truly Commence: How Universities Could Best Combat ‘Anti-Islamic Activity’

22 January 2008

Today’s Times contains a report entitled ‘Universities join battle against terror as guidelines’. It tells of how Britain’s university chiefs have finally agreed ‘to inform the police of any extremist behaviour by students or visiting speakers that they suspect may lead to terrorism’. continued on the Centre for Social Cohesion blog.

Could the Irish save OUR independence?

Parliament is currently debating the passing of yet more powers to the EU, through ratification of the successor treaty to the constitution, most eloquently described by Giscard d’Estaing, former French President and architect of the original document, as ‘the same letter; just in a different envelope’.

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