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George Monbiot almost says something sensible

12 March 2008

But not quite. His latest article on Comment is Free is headlined ‘Making GPs more accessible is just a disguised concession to big business’. Although his ideology is almost unparalleled in its economic illiteracy, it looks on the face as if he might have happened upon something important. He starts off well, pointing out that… [Read More]

White Man’s Burden — The Calumnies of Britain’s Culture Minister

11 March 2008

More than enough, perhaps, has already been said about the speech given last week by the Minister for Culture Margaret Hodge in which she criticised the Proms and other unnamed iconic cultural events — the Henley Regatta?, Glyndebourne? — for not being sufficiently inclusive. So well does the Culture Minister’s speech epitomise a central flaw… [Read More]

You can’t change your fingerprint like a 4-digit PIN

6 March 2008

ID cards are being re-branded. The objective remains exactly the same, to create a national database with an associated biometric ID card. The difference is the softly, softly approach to introducing them to keep the scheme associated with the public’s security fears. It will cover first non-EU migrants, then ‘sensitive personnel’ such as baggage handlers,… [Read More]

Faith Schools, Equity, and Community Cohesion

4 March 2008

Parents with children in their final year at primary school will today learn how successful they have been in securing for their children a place this coming September at a secondary school of their choice. Those who have been through this process will know what a trying time it is. continued on the Centre for… [Read More]

Tories = Labour

28 February 2008

The Times today reveals the Conservatives are equally, if not more, committed to throwing yet more money at the NHS than Labour. The Shadow Health Secretary, Andrew Lansley has boldly so he thinks, and completely foolhardily so many of the public will think, pledged to increase spending on it by £28 billion per year to… [Read More]

Arrest Buttle! (Or was it Tuttle?)

The Daily Mail reports that one in eight entries on the police’s growing DNA database is incorrectly inputted, threatening to associate the DNA signature of a criminal with the record of an innocent member of the public. In the future innocent people could be arrested on the basis of an error made by a data… [Read More]

Could Have Fooled Me… Almost

26 February 2008

Today’s Times reports that 20,000 Muslim leaders have just issued a declaration condemning terrorism as un-Islamic. Their declaration was made at a conference held yesterday at the Dar Uloom madrassa in Deoband, northern India. It runs: “Islam is a religion of mercy for all humanity. Islam sternly condemns all kinds of oppression, violence and terrorism.”… [Read More]

‘Crass, childish, behaviour’

15 February 2008

Richard Vize writes what can only be described as a vitriolic attack on the BMA in his editorial in the Health Service Journal this week, describing them as resorting to ‘sabotage to block the modernisation of our primary care services’ and ‘crass, childish behaviour’. His particular gripe is that the BMA’s GP Committee has, very… [Read More]

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