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The Blog

Crushing intrinsic reward

16 April 2008

If anyone ever wanted a clear exhibition of the damage this government has done to the medical profession, look no further than this post by Dr Crippen. Doctors’ professionalism and sense of intrinsic reward replaced by crude economic calculation of value leads, unsurprisingly, to inferior service. Here, it’s out-of-hours care…I’m sure there are many more.… [Read More]

Why Opponents of Faith Schools Face Being Mugged by Reality

Some claim faith schools are socially divisive. They want them replaced by mixed community schools where children of all different faiths will be schooled together. That way, so the argument goes, all will be forced to mix and thereby become friends. By so becoming, the theory continues, they will be freed from the prejudices and… [Read More]

Middle-class families: an existential threat to big government

11 April 2008

The news that Poole council used surveillance powers designed to track down terrorists to spy on an ordinary middle-class family they suspected of not living in the correct catchment area for their chosen school is not as surprising as it first seems. The government is, after all, fully aware that there exists in this country… [Read More]

10 April 2008

The British Medical Association (BMA) have just released a survey today confirming a point I remember being made in no uncertain terms to me last year by one of the figureheads of the junior doctor pressure group, Remedy UK. The European Working Time Directive (EWTD) coming into effect next year will cut junior doctors’ maximum… [Read More]

Toynbee: a few mistakes on Swedish schools

9 April 2008

Via Tim Worstall, we learn that Polly Toynbee is falling out of love with the Swedish model just as the Tories are gaining interest in it. In the past, responses to a columnist’s claims could only be aired in a carefully guarded newspaper’s letters page. Now many online editions of columnist articles have comment facilities… [Read More]

Why al Qaeda So Hates Jews

8 April 2008

Last week, in a carefully calculated act of political spite and jockeying for position in his party, Secretary of State for Schools Ed Balls took Jewish voluntary-aided schools to task for having wrongly included in their application forms the information that parents are expected to make voluntary contributions, assuming they have means, to the costs… [Read More]

The EU’s Art Attack!

7 April 2008

The new, all singing and all dancing, EU visa is on its way! (Available exclusively for the artistically oriented.) Yes. It is official – artists are the latest minority in need of greater EU protection. Apparently, they battle wanton and excessive bureaucracy as they strive to make their gigs / exhibitions on time, writes Claire… [Read More]

Off the wall

5 April 2008

In this week’s Times Education Supplement (TES), Anthony Seldon, master of Wellington College and biographer of Tony Blair, has a comment piece entitled ‘Low-cost lessons from the independent sector’.


3 April 2008

The Department of Health took a blasting a few weeks back from the Statistics Commission for lack of clarity, accuracy, objectivity, professionalism, use of simple language and ease of use in its publication of data. And with good reason; much seems about as clear and accessible as mud. But here’s an attempt to add a… [Read More]

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