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The Blog

Marriage in modern Britain: out of reach, not out of fashion

20 May 2008

A new report from Civitas, Second Thoughts on the Family, finds marriage to be more popular than ever – but a luxury beyond the reach of the poor Overwhelming majority of Britons want to marry Defying the idea that marriage is dead, a new Civitas/Ipsos Mori survey of 1,560 young people reveals that the overwhelming… [Read More]

Further Thoughts on the Cause of Our Current Social Ails

Last week I posted a blog here suggesting many of the ills currently bedevilling our society, including most notably the current knife-crime epidemic in the capital, were attributable to the Bible and its teachings having ceased to be the focus of religious education in many state schools. That suggestion elicited several sceptical comments. These variously… [Read More]

NHS Kaiser Permanente?

15 May 2008

Yesterday, the world renowned health economist and ‘father’ of managed competition, Professor Alain C. Enthoven of Stanford University, gave a lunchtime seminar at Civitas, in which he advocated the development of genuine patient-centred health care, based on integrated delivery systems and individual (cost conscious) choice in the NHS. Those calling for integrated systems of finance,… [Read More]

Big Brother’s beady eyes

14 May 2008

Is summer now the season for publications pushing increased government intrusion into private conduct? The warm air has been accompanied by the somewhat chillier sensation of the release of two reports with some joyously Orwellian titles: The Politics of Public Behaviour from Demos and Creatures of Habit? The Art of Behavioural Change from the Social… [Read More]

An evening in support of the London Boxing Academy

9 May 2008

Wednesday 14th of May will see the inaugural London Boxing Academy Gala Dinner. The aim of the evening will be to raise awareness about and money for the invaluable work that the Academy is doing.

An equitable solution for “top-up” fees

8 May 2008

In a head-to-head debate in the British Medical Journal, we argue that instead of backing away from the reality that supplementing of NHS care with private treatment is already widespread – and will become even more so as the finite budget of the NHS becomes less able to cover the medical care that people want… [Read More]

IPPR’s school prescription: more management

7 May 2008

IPPR’s latest report, ‘Those Who Can’, accurately highlights many of the new pressures that are now impacting on teachers, including a greater demand for skilled school leavers in the economy, changes in family structure and even artificial pressures generated by political agendas. The funny thing is their solution for dealing with these pressures is not… [Read More]

“It wasn’t me sir… It was him!”

6 May 2008

Launching the buck on biofuel targets across the Atlantic, EU Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson’s article in the Guardian last week stated “European biofuel production is having only a minimal effect on global prices”. (Roughly translated as: “It wasn’t me sir!”) But he warned “large-scale biofuel production, especially in the US, may be one of the… [Read More]

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