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‘Make Britain Great Again’-How the Tories could loosen Britain’s ties with Brussels (as well as those within the party)

29 September 2008

In an interview held with the The Sunday Times yesterday, former Tory leader William Hague emphasized that, should the Tories win power in 2009 or 2010, a ‘Conservative government could still hold a referendum on Europe, even if the Lisbon Treaty had already been ratified.’ Considering a national ballot on Britain’s EU membership may seem… [Read More]

UK education perpetuating, not breaking, poverty cycle

26 September 2008

While New Labour’s aim in education has been to generate greater equality, a damning report from the OECD written up in this week’s Times Education Supplement, states that the UK education system ‘still seems to perpetuate rather than break the cycle of inequality’.

The smoking police

25 September 2008

Ealing PCT’s new campaign to ‘help’ smokers quit goes to the heart of a debate too-often ignored: the proper limits of state intervention in the name of public health.

Now Even Teachers are Giving up on Education

23 September 2008

Yesterday’s Times reported that a ‘top-ranking state school has slashed the amount of homework set, saying that too much of it can be “depressing” and put children off learning.’ The head of the school that had taken this action was quoted as saying: ‘We felt that homework was taking over…. Ultimately, I don’t think we… [Read More]

A Marriage of Convenience

Czech president Václav Klaus has said he will support Declan Ganley if he launches Libertas (the organisation which led the campaign for Ireland to vote ‘No’ to the Lisbon Treaty) as a pan-EU political party at the next European Parliament elections in 2009. Ganley has said that he intends to transform the 2009 EP election… [Read More]

Teachers’ verdicts on the three parties’ education policies

19 September 2008

Whilst the Liberal Democrats are having to work hard for coverage of their policy proposals this week, amidst a storm of financial and political crises, their education policies do appear to have caught the attention of teachers, according to a Times Education Supplement (TES) poll published today, writes Anastasia de Waal.

In the Graduation Olympics, Is Britain Ready for the High Jump?

16 September 2008

According to a recent OECD report, Britain has slipped down the international league table showing the graduation rates of different industrialised countries: that is, the proportion of their 25-34 year olds with degrees. Whereas eight years ago, Britain lay in fourth place, now it lies in 12th place. How much should we care? For broadcaster… [Read More]

Money matters

15 September 2008

The EU is eager to prove itself as a geo-political force, most recently by leading negotiations to appease the troubles between Russia and Georgia. (That is if you discount the genius of the original peace deal constructed to enable Russia to legally continue its military force…) But there is certainly a new, closer-to-home, battle which… [Read More]

Especially for EU

10 September 2008

Valery Giscard d’Estaing explored the idea that Britain should be offered a ‘special status’ within the EU at a conference held in Westminster on Monday, writes Laura Kelleher. The former French President and author of the EU constitution reaffirmed his commitment to European integration, but suggested that British opt-out clauses should take the form of… [Read More]

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