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The Blog

Sizing up the Annual Health Check

16 October 2008

The Annual Health Check of NHS organisations, released today by the Healthcare Commission, presents a picture fit for the NHS’ 60th birthday bash earlier in the year. Sixty-two per cent of organisations are now rated ‘excellent’ or ‘good’ on quality of services, up from 41 per cent two years ago, and those rated ‘excellent’ or… [Read More]

Cannabis and the Police

15 October 2008

Defenders of a society based on a liberal political culture and a market economy have often disagreed over the best way to handle drug taking. One of the great champions of free markets Milton Friedman was famously in favour of legalisation. Others favour strict control. This week the Home Secretary announced that cannabis is to… [Read More]

Education for Morons… by Morons

14 October 2008

Last month, Britain’s biggest examinations board AQA decided to drop a popular poem from its GCSE syllabus written by Scottish poet Carol Ann Duffy. Entitled ‘Education for Leisure’, the poem takes the form of a stream of consciousness account of the thoughts and increasingly violent deeds of a bored and alienated unemployed teenager while he… [Read More]

More EU hot air blown on financial crisis

13 October 2008

Open Europe, the independent think tank backed by some of the UK’s leading business people, has produced the first independent report estimating of the cost and wider effects of the EU’s new package of climate change measures, currently still under negotiation.

Wild Freedom or Civil Freedom

7 October 2008

Many conservative leaders are in a quandary about the financial crisis. They approve of de-regulated markets but these selfsame institutions seem to be in need of regulation. Many people in the financial services industry have behaved without regard to the good of others and even without reference to the interests of their own companies. Their… [Read More]

Potentially fatal flaw in Tory education policy

The Conservatives’ plan to encourage social entrepreneurs, charities and parents’ co-operatives to establish new schools in our poorer areas is a promising idea that deserves the praise it has been getting. But it has a potentially fatal flaw that could undermine any advantages it might bring. Above all, the new Tory academies lack the independence… [Read More]

Making History

At last week’s Tory party conference, shadow education secretary Michael Gove committed his party upon their return to power to restoring the teaching of narrative British history in schools. He reportedly said: ‘Instead of being taught about the Magna Carta the Glorious Revolution and the heroic role of the Royal navy in putting down slavery,… [Read More]

Commission Reposition

6 October 2008

Last Friday, Gordon Brown’s latest attempt to appear at “getting on with the job of running the country” saw him reshuffle EU Trade Commissioner, Peter Mandelson, back into the UK cabinet.

An addendum: the new ‘underclass’

1 October 2008

This blog last Thursday wrote about whether or not the government was pushing the public health agenda too far without proper debate on the implications for civil liberty. Apparently, this doesn’t seem to matter a jot to the Department of Health.

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