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The next directive

31 October 2008

‘Schools hit by more “ministerial fiddling” than any other public sector’ reports the Times Educational Supplement (TES) today. Reporting the findings of a recent parliamentary committee, the TES reveals that in just a single year, schools were on the receiving end of 135 new curriculum regulations.

It’s time to shelve the Equality Bill

30 October 2008

Trevor Phillips, chairman of the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), an organisation armed to the teeth with legal powers to protect groups that claim to be victims of oppression, recently expressed fears that the recession will not only harm ethnic minorities but also some white people. “It is clear,” he said, “that what defines… [Read More]

The other side of the QOF

29 October 2008

The Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) – the framework that offers GPs financial incentives for meeting certain standards of care – has been accredited with improving clinical quality across general practice and cutting health inequalities for certain core diseases. But, as ever, we should be concerned with unintended consequences. Continued at

Steele in Cornish School Buckles Under Parental Pressure, Mercifully

28 October 2008

This coming Sunday sees the start in the Cornish town of St Just of a two-day festival that takes place there each year to celebrate its fourteenth century church. As well as that church and an obligatory public house that stands next door to it, the town also boasts a small secondary school catering for… [Read More]

Caught in the crossfire

27 October 2008

In an interview with The Sunday Times, the new Defence Secretary, John Hutton, has backed the creation of a European fighting force, writes Judith Gollata,

A degree of pointlessness

24 October 2008

A variation on the usual theme, the pantomime over ‘dumbed down’ standards between ministers and critics was this week played out in higher education. In a similar vein to what the government like to condemn as the ‘annual carping’ around rising school exam grades, the rising number of first-class and 2:1 undergraduate degrees is being… [Read More]

Sugar-coated health care

23 October 2008

‘The number of people who will die as a result of diabetes is forecast to rise from one in ten to one in seven in less than 20 years unless obesity rates can be reduced significantly. Costs to the NHS of treating the disease are expected to rise by a third by 2025 as the… [Read More]

More Corruption of the Curriculum

21 October 2008

According to recent newspaper reports, philosophy is currently being taught in primary-schools to children as young as eight years. Since that subject does not have the widest application in the marketplace, one cannot help but admire the enterprise a philosophy graduate has shown by persuading several primary schools to use the services of his company… [Read More]

French Ambivalence

20 October 2008

A report published by the independent Brussels-based think tank the Thomas More Institute for European Studies examines the performance of the French Presidency of the EU Council so far, assessing its contribution to the long term development of EU policy. The Presidency, which started in July this year and will end on 31st December, scored… [Read More]

For richer – but for poorer?

17 October 2008

“Family structure doesn’t matter,” is a favourite Labour mantra. The government’s keenness to distance itself from confused Tory “family ideals” is understandable, and on the basis of equality, in principle more appealing. There is a problem with Labour’s “diversity” embracing position, however, and that is that it’s inadvertently also embracing deprivation. Continued at Comment is… [Read More]

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