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Damian Green scandal – what the police inquiry should investigate

3 December 2008

Not many people were aware of the offence “misconduct in public office” and fewer still were aware that the maximum penalty is life imprisonment. But the details are readily available on the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) website and were updated only in November last year. Although the maximum penalty is life imprisonment, the CPS makes… [Read More]

Clinical leadership: a new dawn?

2 December 2008

‘Quality’, wrote Lord Darzi in his recent Next Stage Review of the NHS, ‘is improved by empowered patients and empowered professionals. There must be a stronger role for clinical leadership and management throughout the NHS’. A raft of measures to encourage its development has been proposed, but will they be effective? Is this a new… [Read More]

S.O.S. — or, more prosaically, Save Our Science

The Royal Society of Chemistry is currently organising a petition to the Prime Minister to register concern about the steep decline in the standard of science teaching that has recently taken place in the country’s schools. The petition runs: “We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to reverse the demonstrable decline in school science examination… [Read More]


1 December 2008

Last week, Shadow Health minister, Andrew Lansley said that the recession could be “good for us”. Amidst public outcry he quickly apologised for his sarcastic and insensitive comment, but it seems that euro-enthusiasts might begin to see a silver-lining as the economic black clouds descend, because the economic turmoil has driven the debate about the… [Read More]

Moving from small to super-size school

28 November 2008

The transition from primary to secondary school can be very difficult for pupils – yet surprisingly it’s an issue which doesn’t tend to be granted much attention.

To the NMC: show some leadership

27 November 2008

The Nursing & Midwifery Council has been all over the news the last couple of days with its advice that nurses should no longer use terms such as ‘love’ when communicating with the elderly. Seems harmless enough, but is it really a good place to be if we need government or official bodies to tell… [Read More]

Perverse economics

26 November 2008

Watching the news last night, a friend asked why people are saying tax cuts at the present time may be a bad, not a good, idea. The point is this. In the long-run huge budget deficits matter, and they matter a lot. While I’m all for tax cuts in the grand scheme of things, deficit-funded… [Read More]

School Head’s Alleged Incompetence Seems Just a Load of …

25 November 2008

John Loughborough School is a mixed comprehensive school situated in the London borough of Haringey. Originally established there as an independent school in the early 1980s, after a brief period as a grant-maintained school, it gained voluntary-aided status in 1998. The school was established by the Seventh Day Adventist church with which it remains affiliated.… [Read More]

A “hobbled giant”: Europe Losing Clout in 2025

24 November 2008

A new report by the National Intelligence Council has given a damning “estimation” of the EU in 2025, including an assertion that the “Europe will not step up to the plate and take the lead.” (P4). In the American report, which predicts the geopolitical landscape in 2025, the EU does not feature prominently. However where… [Read More]

Ofsted on schools – and experts on Ofsted

21 November 2008

This week saw the release of Ofsted’s Annual Report – and a book from Civitas, Inspecting the Inspectorate, which cast some doubt over Ofsted’s authority to judge the quality of the nation’s schools.

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