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Rule Britannia revisited

23 September 2009

In a recent article published by the Times columnist William Rees-Mogg (‘Rule Britannia?’), the Lisbon Treaty was given full exposure as a direct threat to Britain’s constitutional integrity, writes Ahmed Mehdi.  Mogg argued that Lisbon would ‘in effect repeal all the main legal safeguards of British liberties … including the sovereignty of parliament, habeas corpus… [Read More]

The Writing is Back on the Wall for Christianity, Sort Of

22 September 2009

Within the Roman Church, St Francis’ feast day falls on October 4th and is marked by ceremonies to honour and bless animals. When a Catholic church in London’s Kentish Town sought to display in a local public library a poster advertising a forthcoming ‘pet blessing’ there, it was refused permission on the grounds the event… [Read More]

NHS providers as priority—a policy shift?

21 September 2009

The Financial Times is claiming health secretary Andy Burnham’s recent statements advocating NHS organisations over independent bodies as providers of state-funded health care backpeddle on current policy.  

Wisdom from Andy Burnham

17 September 2009

Surely Andy Burnham made a bit of a howler today in a speech to the King’s Fund.  NHS mangers, he said, must not conduct their own ‘mini spending reviews’ in advance of political decisions about NHS funding.  But surely this is what any responsible manager would be doing?

More funding for hospitals with happy patients

14 September 2009

Health Secretary Andy Burnham is preparing to announce plans to reward hospitals for high patient satisfaction, according to The Guardian. Potential ratings under consideration include those on the bedside manner of doctors, cleanliness of lavatories, quality of food, and helpfulness of receptionists.

Teacher and cheaper

11 September 2009

Last week it was reported that evidence had found the impact of teaching assistants in schools to be questionable. This week, research from London Metropolitan University is reported to have found that in eight in 10 schools teaching assistants are taking classes alone.

A New Chapter in Digitising Literature

9 September 2009

On Tuesday, the European Commission held a hearing to discuss the impact of the ‘Google Books Settlement’ on the EU, writes Ariane Poulain.

Tomorrow’s Doctors and YCfM

7 September 2009

Embedded deep within the sub-bullet points of the General Medical Council’s updated version of Tomorrow’s Doctors—the publication outlining the skills, abilities and values UK medical schools must instil in students before graduation—is something especially significant.

Teaching assistants don’t do the job

4 September 2009

Areport for the Deployment and Impact of Support Staff (DISS) project, presented at this week’s annual British Educational Research Association conference, shows that teaching assistants ‘do not help’ pupils. The research, based on the views of 20,000 teachers and the experiences of 8,000 pupils, whilst kindly keen to emphasise that TAs have ‘huge potential’, places a large question mark over their current impact.

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