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NHS care not good enough for its own staff?

12 October 2009

Many large corporations in the United Kingdom offer private health ‘top-ups’ or insurance cover as a benefit to employees, and it turns out the NHS is one of them.

Work’s worth

9 October 2009

This week the importance of work for a prospective Conservative government was emphasised. In what were received as radical announcements, the Tories announced that they would, broadly ala Wisconsin welfare reforms, push people off benefits and into work – as well as to push longer working years. That the former proposal in particular, off welfare and into work, is seen as radical is an indictment of where Labour has failed to pursue what would once have been seen as its rightful path.

Who will be the bête noire of Europe?

7 October 2009

Of all the concerns that the Conservative Party are currently facing, Europe is but one of them, writes Ahmed Mehdi. The Irish decision to vote ‘yes’ on Friday 2 October has reignited a much-maligned question: what is the Conservative position on calling a referendum over the Lisbon Treaty?

The Proposal: Abolish SHAs?

5 October 2009

As prescriptions for NHS cost-cutting abound, health minister Mike O’Brien has proposed a somewhat radical question: do we really need strategic health authorities?

High culture within reach

2 October 2009

How best to instil an interest in culture amongst young people today was – broadly – the theme of a New Statesman debate with Culture Secretary Ben Bradshaw at the Labour Party Conference. Whether culture is or should be ‘useful’ in a productive sense aside, how can young people be engaged in the arts?

Bungled hip replacements…

1 October 2009

Last week The Times published an article with the juicy headline ‘NHS paying high price for bungled hip replacements at private centres’.  The problem is that the article refers to a study in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery Standards of just one centre; a centre in Weston-super-Mare within an NHS hospital.  It is… [Read More]

Germany’s elections – what are the implications?

30 September 2009

A victory for the conservative-liberal alliance’ is what you could call it. The Christian Democratic Party in alliance with the Free Democratic Party – having campaigned for tax cuts and a return to nuclear energy – ended four years of an awkward co-operation between the CDU and its rival Social Democratic Party.

More on Burnham’s recent politics

28 September 2009

The Health Service Journal has a thorough article explaining the further spread of confusion over the Government’s recent revelation of preference for NHS over independent healthcare providers. Could the Department of Health’s commitment to choice and competition truly be unravelling?

Unchartered territory

25 September 2009

Civitas has been following the progress of US ‘Charter schools’ – state-funded but independently run institutions, akin – in principle at least – to Academies. Since their establishment Charter schools have been notable for their comparatively higher success in standardised testing.

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