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Some Looney Tunes Cartoons Are Not So Loony

5 January 2010

Schools Secretary Ed Balls recently announced that, under the rubric of the new Personal, Social, Health and Economic curriculum to be introduced from September 2011, children as young as five will be given lessons on how to save. Editorial columns have greeted the announcement with derision, rightly commenting on the irony involved.

A not-so-surprising result of the BMA’s latest survey

23 December 2009

The latest salvo by the BMA in its ‘Look after our NHS’ campaign (i.e. get rid of the market) is to ask the following question, in a poll carried out by “The BMA’s ‘Look after our NHS’ campaign is concerned that some large multinational companies are making profits out of running local clinical services… [Read More]

A Thought for Christmas

22 December 2009

Ever since exhorting indigent parishioners to meet vital needs by shop-lifting from large chain stores rather than by resorting to mugging or prostitution, Rev. Tim Jones has really had it in the dog-collar from those accusing him of having contravened the teachings of his religion.

Batten down the hatches

21 December 2009

The change in times seems marked.  In its 2002 command paper, Delivering the NHS Plan, the government adopted a new paradigm that choice and competition was the means to a more efficient and responsive service: ‘If it is to better respond to the needs of patients the NHS can no longer be run as a… [Read More]

Alphabetical Minefields

17 December 2009

Weeding out the rogues from the refined is a particularly difficult task for—often very vulnerable—people in search of a private psychotherapist or counsellor. Scanning through the myriad of entries in the Yellow Pages makes for an interesting, if not distressing, task.

It’s behind you!

16 December 2009

The EU has finalised the 2010 deal on its Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) setting the total allowable catches (TACs) to dictate the amount of fish which can legally be caught in the EU waters next year.

The True Winner of the X-Factor

15 December 2009

Irrespective of whether it is utter bilge or compulsive viewing, the massive popularity of ‘the X Factor’ reveals in the country a deep need for which the just concluded weekly TV singing talent contest apparently is able to cater admirably.

Is the success of academies a sham?

14 December 2009

A new survey released today by Civitas has uncovered alarming evidence that deprived young people are being short-changed by Academies, with strong evidence students are being pushed into less challenging subjects and qualifications to drive up headline results.

The NHS: from good to great? Hmm…

10 December 2009

From good to great.  The latest ‘vision’ for the NHS.  But if it is one, it is wholly unclear.  Rather, it is a typical mish-mash of government rhetoric, loud on promise, short on reality.  Read the introduction and tell me what the vision is…

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