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Deliberate confusion about the crime statistics?

11 March 2010

The row rumbles on over the misuse of crime statistics, in which everybody from the BBC, to the National Statistics watchdog, to the Prime Minister himself  has joined in to castigate the Tory election machine, and to claim that there is no possibility of using police-recorded figures to compare the government’s record on police-recorded crimes… [Read More]

New Equality Bill Needed to Grant Men More Leisure

9 March 2010

Yesterday to mark International Women’s Day, the OECD published a report comparing the amounts of leisure enjoyed on average per day by men and women in the developed world. The report found that, on average,  women enjoyed less leisure than men, a finding that led it to conclude that ‘governments and firms need to do… [Read More]

Rated PG

7 March 2010

An infatuation with various teenage boy bands, combined with aspirations to become the next big concert pianist, made for a tricky case of parental censorship when I requested the score of the latest ‘Hanson’ album for my eleventh birthday.

Kicking the case back and forth

5 March 2010

We were informed this week that Jon Venables, one of James Bulger’s murderers, has violated his parole and is back behind bars. We don’t know what he did, we don’t know how long it’s been since his return to prison, and we don’t know how long he will remain there.

A ‘hot potato’ issue

4 March 2010

The unlikely subject of potatoes has recently captured headlines across Europe. No, this is not another bizarre EU directive on “wonky vegetables”, but rather the return of the Genetic Modification (GM) debate, writes Natalie Hamill.

PCTs run up in-year deficits

3 March 2010

Civitas, in conjunction with The Guardian, has today released figures obtained from PCT board papers that show, while the NHS is forecasting a surplus of over £1bn for the year, a number of PCTs – that buy care on behalf of patients – are currently in deficit in the year to-date.  While not threatening the… [Read More]

On What Planet Does Our Equalities Chief Reside?

2 March 2010

‘For someone from my background, parliament is like a foreign institution and that needs to be changed…. We need to stop discriminating in favour of… white middle-class lawyers… Parliament is 20 per cent Oxbridge PPE graduates who come out of the City and law… [We] should require decision-makers to explain and publish information. We can… [Read More]

Double trouble

26 February 2010

Long-time gang leader and underworld ‘godfather’ Colin Gunn was back on the front pages this week as an inquest jury finally closed a case on his ordered execution of an elderly couple in 2004.

First, the basics

25 February 2010

Whilst it’s good news that teenage pregnancies have fallen, we still have a very high number. A key lesson from the Dutch who have a very low teen pregnancy rate, is to make crystal clear the ins and outs of reproduction.

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