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The Blog

Election Quiz

20 April 2010

Who said the following and when? ‘Mass unemployment, crime, drug abuse amongst young people, poor education, poverty for some and insecurity for many, are the signs of a social fabric ripped apart at the seams. Our task is to renew and rebuild our nation as a strong and active society sustaining stable community and family… [Read More]

Fairness and Change

14 April 2010

As the 2010 UK General Election approaches, the race to the ballot box is underway and the wooing of the electorate is in full swing, writes Natalie Hamill. With less than a month to go, UK Party leaders are appearing all over the country (in  ‘solid British’ settings such as bakeries and car factories) promising… [Read More]

Have Christians Now No Other Lawful Option But to Turn the Other Cheek?

13 April 2010

Something must have gone very seriously wrong with our judicial system, if it lacks resources to be able to accommodate the equally legitimate, but opposing, claims of homosexuals and religious believers who consider homosexual acts so sinful as to be unable in good conscience to carry out professional tasks requiring them to condone such acts.

Teacher knows best

9 April 2010

Prospective teacher x is promptly ushered from one panel of judges to another. And as if his day couldn’t get any worse, this panel of spotty-faced teenagers sitting slumped in oversized armchairs whilst sharpening their fangs on the edge of Key Stage 3 geography textbooks would rather hear about favourite TV programmes and base their decisions seemingly exclusively on aesthetics.

Labour’s record on the NHS

8 April 2010

Over the past, and upcoming weeks, Civitas is releasing a series of briefings on key social policy issues intended as useful resources for the public.  Here’s the one on the NHS.  Essentially, it provides key statistics and brief, impartial, analysis (3 pages) of where the NHS is now; what Labour have achieved over the past… [Read More]

The future of broadcasting

A new blog has been started on the future of broadcasting by David Graham, one of Britain’s most distinguished programme makers.

Invisible Europe

7 April 2010

6th May is now surely highlighted on every political party’s calendar (since Gordon Brown announced it as the date for the next UK General Election), but there is great uncertainty about where the next 30 days of campaigning will take us, writes Natalie Hamill. We can be fairly sure, however, that the parties’ EU policies… [Read More]

PM Calls for Dissolution… Not a Moment Too Soon

6 April 2010

It has been a very long time since my school-days, but today has something of that same end-of-year feeling that I recall always sensing at the imminent prospect of temporary respite from the tedium of homework and the daily commute to and from school. Without overmuch hope for any bright new dawn come a new… [Read More]

Informing the debate

1 April 2010

In a Times commissioned poll last month, 47% of respondents indicated that they still weren’t sure who they were going to vote for; 75% of respondents felt that it was ‘time for a change’ from Labour.

Borderline progress

31 March 2010

Turkey and Croatia began official EU accession talks in 2005, and yet their progress has taken very different paths, writes Natalie Hamill. Last Wednesday, EU Enlargement Commissioner, Štefan Füle, praised Croatia’s progress and said it could potentially join the EU during 2010. Just a few days later, the German Chancellor tried (but failed) to scrape… [Read More]

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