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Enriching ourselves at the expense of poorer countries

David Green, 5 November 2014

The authors of today’s report by the UCL Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration have failed to attend to the most telling criticism of their earlier work. They claim to be responding to criticism of their earlier report that also contended that recent migrants from the European Economic Area pay more in UK taxes than they receive in benefits. And yet, only in August we published a report by Professor Robert Rowthorn highlighting the short-sighted immorality of their approach.

Professor Rowthorn argued that immigration controls should be designed to promote the welfare and economic development of the countries from which immigrants tend to come: ‘Migration policy towards these countries should be seen as a complement to the official aid policy and not as a means of enriching ourselves at their expense,’ he wrote. By attracting the brightest and best from poorer countries we were ‘denuding’ them of the professionals on which they depend.

It is to our mutual advantage for other countries to develop and Professor Rowthorn suggested how we could help.

1 comments on “Enriching ourselves at the expense of poorer countries”

  1. Ask yourself this question, David, if a referendum was held on whether such an approach should be adopted do you have any doubt that the British would vote overwhelmingly NO. I rather suspect you know the answer to that. This is a policy only favoured by a terminally detached elite, the same people who have deliberately engineered mass immigration to both change England and provide the party they support with additional electoral support.

    As for Aid, that is a form of Danegeld (currently £11 billion pa) taken against the will of most Britons who have precisely zero opportunity to say yea or nay to it. Stop foreign aid and leave it to private charity, then you will see how committed the British are to funding it. Of course, the liberal elite won’t do that because they know there would, compared to foreign aid, be little given voluntarily.

    Here is a question which anyone who supports mass immigration should ask themselves, if you could admit one immigrant family at the cost of having your own home taken from you, your job being either lost entirely or at best paying a much reduced wage, your children being placed in schools where the overwhelming majority of children have English as a foreign language, would you say bring that immigrant family in to Britain?

    Of course you would not, but that is precisely what has happened for 50 years or more to the native working class and in more recent times to the middleclass who thought they were safe, for example, IT workers from India displacing British IT workers.


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